Palomar College Police Academy is committed to upholding the Palomar College action plan to support our diverse racial communities and to further Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the District. We will work diligently to further racial equity in police reform to support and enhance the culture of Antiracism at Palomar. We welcome and encourage students from diverse backgrounds to join the police academy to become public servants within the communities they represent.
Here are actions the Palomar College Police Academy have taken as a partner in the diversity, equity, and inclusion work being conducted across the Palomar College campus.
The Academy developed and introduced more verbal communication skills into its curriculum that go far beyond the mandates of our state accrediting agency (POST).
- Including overview and response to cultural diversity, anti-racism & anti-discrimination
- Providing the student with a more in-depth examination of Socio-economic groups
- Implementing specific training in responding to and employing de-escalation tactics
The Academy established and implemented first of its kind community forum within the academy program. This forum gathered community members together, including representation from LGBTQ, minority leaders, educators, local business owners, and local law enforcement agencies.
The Academy is currently in design and implementation of a enhanced recruitment effort specific to women and minorities. We are:
- Building strong partnerships with our communities through outreach
- Educating those interested in law enforcement to what the job entails (pros v. cons)
- Employing social media, community forums higher education institutions, and local outreach programs for suggestions and recommendations
The Academy is developing a mentorship program to assist disadvantaged students in education and physical training. We will be able to:
- Define and explain the mentor program, purpose and process
- Select our participants
- Match mentors and mentees
- Ensure mentorship training for successful outcome
In collaboration with the College we have formed a consortium of college and law enforcement academy partners in San Diego County
- Provides open dialogue and communication
- Provides consistency in academy education and training
- Allows us to build objectives and goals for police reform
Updated May 26, 2021