Request Coverage

If you would like the Public Affairs team to provide coverage for your special event, program or other story idea, please use the forms below. Be as specific as possible, and make sure to include any relevant dates, times, locations and names.

Please keep in mind that our resources to produce content are finite, and that demand fluctuates widely, depending on the time of year.

Photography Requests

Public Affairs is happy to provide photography services to promote Palomar College. In addition to all of the basic information, please use this form to specify how you plan to use the images, the best time for our photographer to take pictures during your event, and anything else that will help us determine how to meet the request. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfill every request; assignments will be made based on scheduling considerations and the public-relations value of the event.


Press Release Requests

Press releases are the primary way the Public Affairs office communicates with our partners in the media. We distribute releases to a variety of newspapers, TV stations, radio stations and other media outlets in San Diego and around the state. Please use this form to specify why a reporter would want to cover your event (newsworthiness) and who would be the best contact person in case we do receive follow-up interest. Please note that press releases are distributed at the discretion of the Public Affairs Office.


Palomar News Story Ideas

Palomar News is our very own college newsroom. We post many of our press releases and media advisories here, but we also use the site to tell our own stories. We love to write about students with inspiring journeys; faculty and staff who are doing great work; successful alumni; out-of-the ordinary events, projects and research; thriving programs; and a variety of other stories that would have made the newspaper in decades past. We cannot guarantee that we’ll be able to run with your idea, but please feel free to send it our way!
