Public Records Request

Palomar Community College District

Public Records Procedures

  1. Direct requests for public information to the Communications, Marketing, and Public Affairs Office. Those requesting information must call 760-744-1150 x2365 or e-mail
  2. Fill out a public information request form (PDF).
  3. REQUEST FOR COPIES: The district has ten (10) calendar days from the request to advise the requestor whether the information can be provided and approximately how long it will take. Pursuant to the Public Records Act, the requestor will be notified in writing if additional time will be necessary to produce the requested information.
  4. FEES: The Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs Office will advise the requestor of any fees for duplicating the documents.
  5. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION: If the request requires inspection of documents, the District will schedule an appointment with the soonest available time and date.

Please note that there are some records that are not available for review because they are confidential pursuant to the Public Records Act or other statutes. Requestors will be notified if the requested information falls in this category.