Andrea Vaugn of Andy Vaugn Marketing

I met with Andrea Vaugn today of Andy Vaugn Marketing.  What’s impressive about Andrea is that she is a friend and neighbor of mine who started her own small social media business. She’s a full-time mom – but just runs the business out of her home.  This seems like EXACTLY the kind of thing I could imagine students doing  Her job (as she explained) is the keep the news feed going for shopping centers and restaurant row. And, she says there is ALWAYS new business — small businesses NOT knowing how to incorporate social media – she clearly fills a niche.  She explained that good content is 1-2 short sentences that will grab attention and that photos or quotes are a great place to start.  She mentioned that the content shouldn’t be over promotional or about the business.  According to Andrea “that’s not how you connect”.  I was impressed with Andrea because with tenacity and a knowledge of Facebook, she has been able to create (and grow) her own business.  I will use this as an inspirational story with my students!

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