Enrollment, Apportionment, Accreditation — Oh My!

If you’ve been to a meeting at Palomar College since the beginning of the semester, odds are that you heard a presentation given by VPI Sourbeer regarding enrollments, apportionment (our revenue), the budget, and accreditation.  Although it’s pretty dry stuff, it’s important to get a handle on if you’re at all interested in understanding a considerable chunk of what happens at the college outside of the classroom.

Click on the link below to access his PPT:

09 08 2015 Chairs Directors

If you’re following these posts at all, I’d be interested to know what kind of information you would find useful or desirable.  Please feel free to contact me at ssivert@palomar.edu.

Hard to believe we’re at Week 5 already; I hope that the semester is going well for you and your students!

Warm regards,