Chairs & Directors Mtg Notes (10/2/15)

Meeting Summary Chairs and Directors Meeting October 2, 2015

Interim Vice President for Instruction Dan Sourbeer called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

  • Eric Briggs, Internship Coordinator at Palomar for this academic year, gave a presentation on the program. The goal of the program is to ready students to facilitate their own internships with companies in the community. He will be on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Career Center to meet with interested parties. Rosie Antonecchia indicated they would like to meet with departments regarding the program as
  • Interim Dean, CTEE, Paul Kelly shared new information regarding the CTE Program Approval Process. Things have changed and more information is required up front in order to receive the verbal go-ahead to create new programs, including labor market information, anticipated enrollment, and anticipated impact on programs in the
  • Interim VP Sourbeer demonstrated where to find the fund request forms to apply for Student Success and Equity Council monies. Dean Shayla Sivert indicated she had issues submitting the form and informed the group that, if that occurs, they can save the form as a pdf and email it to Michelle LaVigueur.
  • Interim VP Sourbeer shared that he has had several complaints regarding instructors leaving and letting students out early from class. He indicated all instructors are required by their contract to remain in class for their published hours, even if students leave early (for example, after taking a test). He requested assistance from Chairs and Directors in documenting and resolving attendance
  • Interim VP Sourbeer will be sending out links to the revised PRP forms with dates when training will be offered, following IPC approval of the forms at the 10/14/15
  • When working on COR reviews or changes, Interim VP Sourbeer advises working in groups comprised of the Department Chair, faculty originator, Dean (if available) and/or a divisional representative from the Curriculum Committee. Changes can be made on the spot and the COR should sail through
  • Fall scheduling is underway for 2016, using the new compressed calendar. Chairs and Directors are asked to work with their Deans.
  • Interim VP Sourbeer indicated divisions/departments should begin working on a 2-year grid for courses this fall. This will assist students with their educational pathway
  • Interim VP Sourbeer indicated there will be a meeting this month at Mt. Carmel High School to talk to the community about the South Center. There may also be an Open House at the South Center in November/December.
  • Faculty hiring was discussed and the priority list, approved by IPC, was distributed. Interim VP Sourbeer indicated the first 22 positions (not including Math 1 & English 1 which were already filled) will be posted first. After the FON is recalculated based on revised enrollment reports, additional positions may be
  • Calvin Onedeer Gavin presented on special programs including EOPS, CalWORKS and Trio, encouraging Chairs and Directors to inform students about these programs. He distributed brochures and information regarding the programs available, indicated the programs are recruiting, and offered to attend departmental meetings by

The meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.

Next Meeting November 6, 2015