Become a Drone Pilot at Palomar College!

Sign up for our Fall 2024 drone classes today!

Our Certificate Program

6 classes, 2 semesters, 17 units, $46 per unit

Required courses:

  1. GCIP 168 Digital Imaging with Drones (3 units)
  2. GCIP 268 Digital Imaging with Drones II (3 units)
  3. PHOT 120: Digital Photography (3 units)
  4. GEOG 120 Digital Earth: An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4 units)
  5. *online* GEOG 140 Introduction to Remote Sensing and Drone Data Processing (3 units)
  6. *online* GEOL 158s UAS Procedures and Regulations (Part 107 License Exam Prep) course (1 unit)
Fall semester: GCIP 168, GEOG 140, GEOL 158
Spring semester: GCIP 268, PHOT 120, GEOG 120

Our Associate’s Degree Program

10 classes for the major + GE courses, 4 semesters, 60+ units, $46 per unit

Required courses:

  1. GCIP 168 Digital Imaging with Drones (3 units)
  2. GCIP 268 Digital Imaging with Drones II (3 units)
  3. GEOG 110 Meteorology: Weather and Climate (3 units)
  4. GEOG 120 Digital Earth: An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4 units)
  5. *online* GEOG 140 Introduction to Remote Sensing and Drone Data Processing (3 units)
  6. *online* GEOL 158s UAS Procedures and Regulations (Part 107 License Exam Prep) course (1 unit)
  7. BMGT 153 Small Business Entrepreneurship (3 units)
  8. CE 100 Cooperative Education Internship (1 unit)

Pick two elective courses from the following:

  1. BUS 152 Social Media for Business (3 units)
  2. ENGR 126 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering (4 units)
  3. GCMW 165 Digital Video Design (3 units)
  4. GCMW 205 Digital Video for Multimedia (3 units)
  5. GEOG 132 Database Management and Drone Data Acquisition (4 units)
  6. GEOG 197 Geography Topics (1-4 units)
Don't forget your general education courses!
Year 1 Fall semester: GCIP 168, GEOG 140, GEOL 158
Year 1 Spring semester: GCIP 268, GEOG 110, GEOG 120
Year 2 Fall semester: BMGT 153, ELECTIVE #1
Year 1 Spring semester: CE 100, ELECTIVE #2

*NEW* Our Non-credit Certificate Program

2 classes, 1 semester, 0 unit, $0 per unit, Completely FREE

Required courses:

  1. *online* N GEOG 900 Introduction to Drone Safety and Applications (0 unit)
  2. *online* N GEOG 901 Careers in the Drone Industry (0 unit)
Spring semester: N GEOG 900, N GEOG 901

Enroll Today!

Check out our brochure to learn about transfer opportunities after you have completed the programs at Palomar College

Need to fly a drone on campus? Follow the 3 steps below. 
  1. Review the Palomar College Campus UAS/Drone Guideline
  2. Complete the UAS/Drone Use Application at least 1 week before the date of operation
  3. The Palomar Campus Police Office will notify you via email with an approval or denial for your request

*Please remember that operators may only fly a drone on college property for college sanctioned purposes.