Fire Fighter 1 Academy Course Policies
During the Academy, each recruit will be continually evaluated. Recruits will be required to pass all written exams with a minimum of a 70% score. All manipulative skills exams will require a minimum score of 80%. The following is a breakdown of the distribution of scores for the Academy:
- Manipulative Skill Evaluations Pass/Fail
- Fitness Evaluations Pass/Fail
- Block Exams/Certification Exams 75%
- Final Exam 25%
- Final Manipulative Skills Evaluation Pass/Fail
- Daily Evaluations Pass/Fail
- Final Physical Abilities Test Pass/Fail
All recruits must have passing scores in the areas that are evaluated as pass/fail or dismissal from the Academy will result.
All recruits will be permitted to retake exams one time.
All exams being retaken will be scored at a point basis 10% lower than the original exam.
Regular attendance is required. It is extremely difficult if not impossible to make up many of the Academy classes.
Recruits who are unable to maintain appropriate attendance will be dismissed from the Academy.
All recruits will be required to pass the Academy physical abilities exam in full turnout clothing and breathing air through an SCBA
900 – 1000 points A
800 – 899 points B
700 – 799 points C
699 and below F
Each recruit is required to prepare and maintain a class notebook. These notebooks will be reviewed at the end of the Academy. The format will be a standard 8 1/2″ x 11″ three ring binder. It is possible that more than one binder will be necessary. Notebooks shall be neat, well organized, and complete. All notebooks should contain:
A. All class notes, neatly typed or printed
B. All class handouts
C. All necessary diagrams or drawings
D. All returned quizzes and tests (if applicable)
E. Any other reference material
All notebooks will be returned after grading to become a permanent reference source for the recruit.