Introduction to Ethnic Studies

Welcome to Ethnic Studies

Welcome to Ethnic Studies at Palomar Community College! This course offers an in-depth exploration of the diverse cultural, social, and historical experiences of various ethnic groups in the United States. We aim better to understand race, ethnicity, and identity complexities and promote social justice and equity.

Course Objectives

  • Historical Context: Gain insight into the historical backgrounds and contributions of different ethnic groups.
  • Cultural Awareness: Appreciate various communities’ rich cultural traditions and practices.
  • Critical Thinking: Enhance your ability to analyze and critically assess race, ethnicity, and systemic inequality issues.
  • Social Justice: Understand the importance of advocacy and activism in promoting equity and justice for all ethnic groups.

Topics Covered

  • Foundations of Ethnic Studies: Introduction to key concepts, theories, and methodologies.
  • Native American Studies: Examination of the histories, cultures, and contemporary issues facing Native American communities.
  • African American Studies: Exploration of African American history, culture, and the ongoing civil rights and equality struggle.
  • Chicanx Studies: Study of the diverse experiences of Chicano and Latino communities, including immigration, identity, and cultural expression.
  • Intersectionality: Understanding how race, ethnicity, gender, class, and other social categories intersect to shape individual and group experiences.