How can CPL help me?
CPL can help you save time and money on your educational path. Students can now get credit for a course instead of just waiving a prerequisite.
Who qualifies for CPL?
Students who hold industry credentials and certifications are graduates of service academies were trained for military occupations, or have work experience that can be demonstrated through an exam or portfolio review may qualify for credit for prior learning.
How do I demonstrate that I have prior learning?
Each CPL eligible course will have different methods of assessment. These methods include:
➡Military Transcript
➡Credit by Exam
➡Portfolio Review
➡Industry Certification/Accreditation or License
➡AP, IB and CLEP exam scores (refer to the Palomar Articulation webpage for more information)
What courses at Palomar College are currently eligible for CPL?
Check out our CPL Course List!
If you have prior learning experience that you feel would qualify for CPL, but you don’t see the discipline or course in our list, please email
We are still building our CPL database and will reach out to our faculty on your behalf to see if CPL is a good fit!
Does CPL cost anything?
No! There is no cost for CPL.
What if I have experience in a discipline or industry that is not listed above that I think might qualify as CPL?
Contact the CPL Coordinator at
They can set up a time to meet and discuss CPL opportunities.
What is my next step to find out more about CPL and see if I qualify? How can I contact a CPL counselor?
You can schedule an appointment with a CPL Counselor through the Counseling Appointments for CPL tab in our menu.
You can also reach out to the CPL Coordinator with any questions about the CPL petition process, at
What if I want to transfer to a UC, CSU, or other University?
If you are transfer bound, meet with a CPL counselor to discuss transferability of CPL courses. Some colleges may not accept all methods of CPL Assessment.
Do I need to be enrolled in a course at Palomar in order to petition for another course through CPL?
No. You just need to be registered at Palomar College in order to apply for Credit for Prior Learning.
The “registered” student, as defined for CPL, is a student that has been admitted to Palomar, has a Palomar student ID number and is eligible to enroll.
How do I apply for CPL using the CPL Petition Form?
Go to the Apply for Credit for Prior Learning link in the site menu and following the instructions.
What if I change my mind, and want to cancel my CPL petition?
Contact the CPL Coordinator at if you want to withdraw your CPL petition. And if you are petitioning for credit by exam or portfolio review, also contact your Professor. The CPL Coordinator will cancel the petition for you. You will not receive a W on your transcript, and you are free to petition at a later time, or enroll in the course.
What if I am interested in High School Articulation Credit by Exam?
If you are a High School student and interested in High School Articulation Credit by Exam, please go to our High School Credit by Exam webpage for more information on how to earn those credits.