CTE Articulation/Credit by Exam

Palomar College faculty and local high school districts enter into Articulation Agreements that provide the opportunity for high school students to earn college credit if students meet all the requirements. Because the Articulation Agreements are a Title 5 Credit By Exam process, the college transcripts reflect the final exam grade with the notation of Credit by Exam. Depending on the course, the credit can fulfill prerequisites or requirements applicable towards certificates, Associate Degrees, and/or transfer to a four-year institution. Each college and university decides how to apply transfer credit, including credit by exam. Currently, most of the transferable articulated classes transfer as lower division elective credits. Students should meet with a counselor for more detailed information to see how their credit will transfer to a specific CSU or UC campus and major.

High School Instructors looking for information on articulating their class with Palomar College can visit our H.S. Instructor Information page.

High School Students & Families looking for information about obtaining college credit through the articulation/credit by exam process can visit our Students & Families Information Page.

CTE Articulation/Credit by Exam is not the same as Dual Enrollment or K-12 Concurrent Enrollment. For information about these other college credit opportunities, please click here.