How do we determine a math placement eligibility?
Math placement eligibility is based upon multiple measure formulas from self-reported high school GPAs and grades via the online application and the "Palomar Placement and Pathways Survey" in the MyPalomar (eServices) Login. Additionally, students may submit unofficial high school or college transcripts, AP, SAT or ACT scores to change initial placement or for clearance.
The tools below are provided to give you a starting point to help you determine the appropriate math course to take, however, we always recommend that you set up a counseling appointment with an academic counselor to discuss the appropriate class for your major.
A program designed to give you support by building your mathematical confidence and proficiency while improving your math placement.
Have you been out of school for some years and feel like you never need a math refresher? Regardless of how long you've been out of school, you can forget key concepts that will help you succeed in your next math course.
Math Course Sequence Based On Pathway