All of our services will offered online.
While your schooling and learning support options have been affected by COVID-19, remember—as always—that is available to help any time, from anywhere. Click here to log in!
UB Saturdays
Students are provided the college-going experience by attending the UB College Saturdays. Here students are given the opportunity to improve and learn different skills, explore different majors/careers, and are exposed to cultural events and experiences. Students expand their social circle by meeting students from different high schools and meeting professionals who are leaders in their community. Click here to view Fall 2023 UB Saturday Dates!
Parent Workshops
Parents receive current information on post-secondary eligibility, college planning, federal student aid/ scholarships, and college admission applications. See topics covered here.
Senior Seminars
Senior Seminars allow for one on one assistance on college and financial aid applications. Seniors will use these seminars to reduce their anxiety for the future, gain the confidence to be successful in college, and exercise resilience in the face of rejection and setbacks.
Advising Sessions
It is important that UB students meet with their UB advisors throughout the semester. Advisors will provide assistance on course selection, GPA & transcript analysis, academic performance tracking, academic goal setting, and advise post-secondary eligibility.
Schedule a meeting with your advisor here.
UB directly communicates with students and parents through the text message system CallMultiplier. Participants will receive information, reminders, and program updates directly from the UB staff.
Not receiving messages? Click here to be added to the system.