SOC 100 — Introduction to Sociology
Sociological Theory | Compare and contrast the three main theoretical paradigms in sociology and analyze social phenomena from these different perspectives. |
Sociological Imagination | Describe the sociological imagination and apply its emphasis on the interconnections between individuals and macro-level forces. |
Critical Thinking and Research Methods | Demonstrate the ability to think critically about knowledge and understand the basic principles of quantitative and qualitative scientific research methods. |
Culture and Socialization | Understand the process of social interaction and describe the role of culture and socialization in the development of the self. |
SOC 105 (PSYC 105) — Marriage, Family, and Intimate Relationships
Conflict and Communication | Demonstrate an understanding of the techniques of effective interpersonal communication and conflict resolution. |
Family Diversity | Demonstrate an understanding of the common elements of all families and the diversity of family life within the United States. |
SOC 110 — Social Problems
Identify Social Problems | Identify current social problems and the social and historical factors influencing them. |
Policy Analysis | Demonstrate critical thinking in the analysis of social policies and proposals. |
Theory | Compare and contrast the main theoretical paradigms in Sociology and analyze social problems from these different perspectives. |
Activism | Understand the role of social movements and other forms of activism in the solving of social problems. |
SOC 115 — Introduction to Women’s Studies
Theories of Gender | Describe and apply the major theoretical approaches to understanding gender and the social experiences of women. |
Socialization | Describe the social-psychological theories of gender differentiation and socialization and their role in the development of the self. |
SOC 125 (PSYC 125) — Human Sexuality
Students will demonstrate knowledge of structural and functional sexual anatomy, including an understanding of pregnancy and contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases and sexual dysfunction. |
Students will identify and describe the sociocultural aspects of sexuality including power and coercion, varieties of sexual expression, and the role of sexuality in society. |
Students will understand theories of sexual attraction (including sexual orientation), love and intimacy, communication, and methods of expressing (experiencing?) sexual relationships. |
SOC 130 — Introduction to Sociology of Health
Theory | Understand and apply sociological theories and concepts to analyze the experience of health and illness, including chronic illness and disability. |
Social Location and Health | Describe the impact of race/ethnicity, gender, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and disabilities on health status and the experience of health and illness. |
Institutions and Health | Explain how economic, political, and institutional structures shape health, illness, and disease. |
Reform | Demonstrate an awareness of contemporary debates in health and social policy, including proposals for health care reform. |
Role of Activists | Analyze the role of activists in the health care system. |
SOC 135 — Gender and Society
Diversity | Students will identify cross-cultural differences in gender roles and variations of gender roles within the U.S. with regard to race, ethnicity, religion, and social class. |
Theory | Students will describe the social construction of gender and differentiate it from essentialist viewpoints of gender. |
Research Methods | Students will identify and evaluate research in the study of gender. |
SOC 145 (PSYC 145) — Psychology and Sociology of Aging
Aging Issues | Students completing the course will be able to identify the most significant biological, psychological, and social issues of aging. |
Theories of Aging | Students completing the course will be able to discuss the major theories applied to the experience of aging. |
Diversity of Aging | Students completing the course will be able to identify the differing experiences and needs of the elderly based on sex, race, ethnicity, and social class. |
SOC 165 — Self and Society
Theory | Demonstrate an understanding of the basic premises of social psychology from the symbolic interactionist perspective. |
Self | Demonstrate an understanding of how the self and society are created and reproduced through interaction. |
Analysis | Analyze and interpret the diversity of subjective experience (perception, cognition, emotions) and behavior as it relates to race/ethnicity, social class, gender, age, sexual orientation, and disability. |
SOC 170 — Introduction to Justice Studies
Perspectives of Justice | Compare and contrast the various perspectives of justice in how it is defined and interpreted. |
Sociological Imagination | Describe the sociological imagination within an analysis of justice as it relates to interactions between individuals and larger social institutions. |
Critical Analysis | Demonstrate the ability to think critically about the social construction of social justice and how it impacts the lives of underrepresented individuals. |
History | Understand social justice movements primarily regarding ethnic and racial groups in the United States. |
SOC 175 — Introduction to LBGTQI Studies
Historical | Analyze the connections between historical and contemporary issues of LGBTQ experience from a sociological perspective. |
Theory | Understand and differentiate between classical sociological theories in addition to queer theory as a way to understand the LBGTQ experience. |
Self and Society | Analyze processes of face-to-face interaction as well as social institutions in shaping minority sexual identities. |
SOC 200 (AIS 200 / MCS 200) — Race, Class, and Ethnic Groups
Students will analyze, through essays, the ways that individuals can alter personal behavior to challenge institutional structures towards the reduction of racism, sexism, and homophobia in everyday life. |
Students will complete exams which demonstrate their ability to evaluate the concepts and theories of race, ethnicity, gender, and class in America. |
SOC 205 (PSYC 205) — Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Statistics 1 | Give examples of the components of a Behavioral Sciences research design including such concepts as Research Hypothesis, Null Hypothesis, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Types of Data, and variations in Sampling and Experimental Design. |
Statistics 2 | Apply Data Organization techniques and differentiate between and then calculate Descriptive Statistics including measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Variability, Correlation, and Regression. |
Statistics 3 | Differentiate between and calculate both Parametric and Non-Parametric Inferential Statistics including Chi Square, t-test, and ANOVA and use established Concepts of Probability to determine Statistical Significance via Critical Value Tables and Computer Applications. |