With regard to career opportunities, sociology is a tremendously varied field. Most professional sociologists design and conduct research, teach at the college level, and consult with organizations and communities. A major in sociology provides the knowledge and analytical skills needed to pursue professional degrees in business, law, medicine, education, or social work. It also provides background preparation for fields such as human resources, public administration, teaching, journalism, environmental studies, criminal justice, city planning, public relations, social service, and politics.
Sociologists with graduate degrees employed by colleges and universities teach and advise students, conduct research, and publish their work. Salaries range from $45,000 to more than $100,000 for full professors. For sociologists entering the corporate world as directors of research, consultants, and project managers, salaries typically range from $35,000 to $120,000. For sociologists entering non-profit and government employment as policy analysts, human resource managers, and program managers, salaries typically range from $30,000 to $100,000.
Read the report put out by the American Sociological Association Department of Research and Development titled “What are They Doing with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology?” for more information about job opportunities in sociology.
Read the report titled Recent Sociology Alumni: Would They Major Again? to see how satisfied recent sociology majors are with their choice of major.
Get the booklet titled “21st Century Careers with an Undergraduate Degree in Sociology” for additional information and advice about preparing for job opportunities.
For a list of some famous people who majored in sociology, read the short article Famous Sociology Majors. Although you may not recognize some of the names on the list (the list was compiled in 2001), you will certainly recognize at least a few. For example, the list includes President Ronald Regan, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and former First Lady Michelle Obama.