Prof. Michael Mufson, (760) 744-1150, ext. 2456,
Assoc. Prof. Chris Sinnott, (760) 744-1150, ext. 2432,
Contact the Performing Arts Department for further information.
(760) 744-1150, ext. 2316
Office: PAC-122
TA 100 Introduction to the Theatre (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A survey of theory and practice in the contemporary theatre including its literary, critical and technical aspects, and their relationships to historical backgrounds.
TA 105 Introduction to Technical Theatre (3 units)
2 hours lecture - 4 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A practical introduction to the theories and applications of construction techniques, language, principles, safety, and tools used in the creation of theatrical scenery and properties. The language, tools, and principles of other technical theatre crafts, such as lighting, costuming, makeup, sound design, and stage management will also be presented.
TA 106A: Basic Costume I: Technology (3 units)
2 hours lecture - 3 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as FASH 106A
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A foundational course providing a basic introduction to practices, theories, techniques, and procedures of costume technology for theatre, film, and television. The focus will be on the structure of a working costume shop, basic hand and machine sewing techniques, textile identification, basic garment fitting, simple pattern modification, and production wardrobe crew procedures. Practical training in college productions is incorporated during the course of study.
TA 106B: Basic Costume II: Design (3 units)
2 hours lecture - 3 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as FASH 106B
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A foundational course providing a basic introduction to practices, theories, techniques, and procedures of costume design for theatre, film, and television. Through a series of costume projects, students develop design theory, drawing techniques, and script analysis abilities. Practical training in college productions is incorporated during the course of study.
TA 107 Lighting for Stage and Television (3 units)
2 hours lecture - 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 105
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Techniques, theories, and procedures necessary to develop lighting and lighting effects integrated into film, television, and theatre productions. Practical experience in college productions.
TA 108 Stagecraft and Scene Design for Theatre and Television (3 units)
2 hours lecture - 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 105
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Technical practices and organization of production for theatre, film, and television. Practice in drafting, designing, and construction of scenery for college productions.
TA 109 Elementary Stage Make-Up (3 units)
2 hours lecture - 4 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 105
Note: Cross listed as FASH 109
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Basic theories, techniques, and procedures of make-up production for stage, film, and television. Practical training in college productions.
TA 111 Technical Theatre Production (0.5 units)
1½ hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 105; completion of, or concurrent enrollment in TA 106A, TA 106B, TA 107, TA 108, or TA 109
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Techniques and procedures of planning and coordination through all phases of the technical theatre production process. Practical training through college production.
TA 112 Basic Sound Reinforcement (3 units)
2 hours lecture - 3 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as MUS 112
Transfer acceptability: CSU
An introduction to basic sound equipment and reinforcement principles. To understand basic set up, operation, and troubleshooting of live Public Address systems in a concert or theatrical setting.
TA 113A Improvisational Theatre I (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Improvisational theatre techniques for various forms that engage the audience in an interactive performance setting. The course includes basic skills for creating and sustaining improvised situations as well as improvisational structures that challenge the participant’s skills. Also included are improvisational structures that will reflect and analyze societal situations of conflict found in the participants’ lives and communities.
TA 113B Improvisational Theatre II (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 113A
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Advanced skills for creating, performing and facilitating improvisational and interactive theatre events.
TA 114 Advanced Sound Reinforcement (1.5 - 2 units)
4 1/2 - 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 112
Note: Cross listed as MUS 114
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Advanced principles of electronic sound, acoustics, equalization, and effects processing, recording of live sound in a concert or theatrical setting, equipment management, and design technique.
TA 115 Beginning Acting I (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
In a workshop environment, the student will learn the basic tools and terminology of acting. The student will apply this knowledge and experience to the performance of short scenes.
TA 116 Beginning Acting II (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 115
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
This course follows Acting I and continues the exploration of theories and techniques used in preparation for the interpretation of drama through acting. The emphasis will be placed on deepening the understanding of the acting process. Designed to improve the actor’s skills for performing scenes and monologues with truth and power. Actors will improve their ability to pursue the character’s needs and objectives, to be vulnerable to their partners’ words and actions and to create with a range of emotion. Actors in this class will continue to develop their vocal and physical technique.
TA 119 Voice and Speech (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A practical and experiential class introducing students to exercises and theories of voice and speech production leading to improved power, expressiveness and clarity. Methodology will include major contemporary approaches to developing the actor’s voice.
TA 124 Basic Stage Management (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 100
Note: Cross listed as DNCE 124
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Introduces students to the practices and techniques of Stage Management. Students will assist a stage manager on a project during the course of the semester. Regular availability on evenings and weekends is required.
TA 125 Beginning Oral Interpretation (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Note: Cross listed as SPCH 125
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An introduction to the oral reading of prose, poetry, and drama in distinct and intertextual formats. Models of critical analysis will be applied to written literature and reading will be performed and evaluated by applying principles of effective delivery
TA 140 History of the Theatre From Ancient Greece Through the 17th Century (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A survey of the influence of different cultures, traditions, and technologies on the development of the theatre as a social institution from Ancient Greece through the 17th Century.
TA 141 History of the Theatre From the 18th Century to the Present (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
A survey of the influence of different cultures, traditions, and technologies on the development of the theatre as a social institution from the 18th Century to the present.
TA 150 Dramatic Literature and Script Analysis (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Fully explore an in-depth methodology of reading, analyzing and understanding play scripts in a variety of genres and styles. Investigate techniques used to determine how to read a play for its’ structure, scrutinizing the playwright’s methods of creating theatre through plot, character, and imagery, and understanding how scripts convey meaning to the professional theatre artist and theatre-goer as distinct from other forms of literature.
TA 157 Theatre and Social Justice (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Note: Cross listed as MCS 157; may be taken 3 times
Transfer acceptability: CSU
The study and practice of theatre as a vehicle for understanding global conditions of social injustice and working to create justice in local communities.
TA 160 Beginning Stage Direction (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Training in the principles, procedures, and methods of stage direction. Students will serve as assistant directors on college productions and will also direct scenes for acting classes and studio productions.
TA 170 Computer Aided Drafting for Theatre (2 units)
6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 105
Transfer acceptability: CSU
An introduction to computer aided drafting using CAD drafting software. Hands on experience with software to be supplemented with basic mechanical drafting terminology and techniques. An introduction to user specific third party software as related to drafting and designing of scenery and lighting for college productions.
TA 171 Advanced Lighting Lab (2 units)
6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 107
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Crafting and implementation of the lighting design for performances using the techniques, theories, and procedures necessary to develop lighting and lighting effects. Practical experience in college theatre, dance, and music productions.
TA 173 Musical Theatre Scenes (1 unit)
3 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as DNCE 173/MUS 173; may be taken 4 times
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Rehearsal and performance of solo and group scenes from Broadway musicals dating from the 1930’s to the present.
TA 182 Introduction to Arts Management (3 units)
9 hours laboratory
Note: Cross listed as AMS 182/ART 182/DNCE 182/MUS 182; may be taken 3 times
Transfer acceptability: CSU
An introduction to the principles and practices of arts management through an interdisciplinary study of management topics in the visual and performing arts.
TA 183 Internship in Arts Management (3 units)
9 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in AMS/ART/DANCE/MUS or TA 182
Note: Cross listed as AMS 183/ART 183/DNCE 183/MUS 183; may be taken 3 times
Transfer acceptability: CSU
Practical experience in arts management in the visual and performing arts.
TA 184 Creative Theatre Ensemble (3 units)
3, 4 1/2, 6 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Students in theatre and allied disciplines work collaboratively on creating an original devised theatre performance or on an existing text that requires an ensemble approach to the performance.
TA 191A Rehearsal and Performance I (1, 2 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
An initial experience of the rehearsal and performance of a departmental theatre production. Generally this would involve an ensemble, non-speaking or small supporting role.
TA 191B Rehearsal and Performance II (1, 2 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 191A
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Second experience of the rehearsal and performance of a departmental theatre production. Generally this would involve a small to medium supporting role in the production.
TA 191C Rehearsal and Performance III (1, 2 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 191B
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Third experience of the rehearsal and performance of a departmental theatre production. Generally this would involve a medium supporting role or leading role in the production.
TA 191D Rehearsal and Performance IV (1, 2 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 191C
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Fourth experience of the rehearsal and performance of a departmental theatre production. Generally this would involve a large supporting role or lead role in the production.
TA 192A Technical Theatre Production I (1 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 105
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Students will gain practical experience in the application of production responsibilities in house staff. Students will also observe and evaluate the production responsibilities of the stage crew.
TA 192B Technical Theatre Production II (1 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 192A
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Students will gain practical experience in the application of production responsibilities in the stage crew. Students will also observe and evaluate the production responsibilities of the technical staff.
TA 192C Technical Theatre Production III (1 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 192B
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Students will gain practical experience in the application of production responsibilities in the technical staff. Students will also observe and evaluate the production responsibilities of the leadership roles in the technical staff.
TA 192D Technical Theatre Production IV (1 units)
3 to 6 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA 192C
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Students will gain practical experience in the application of production responsibilities in a leadership role in the technical staff. Students will also observe and evaluate the production responsibilities of the design staff.
TA 197E Management of Theatre Activities (.5 - 3 units)
1½ to 9 hours laboratory
Transfer acceptability: CSU
The principles of organization, operation, and planning for theatre management including programming, ticket sales, box office records, and promotional news release writing. Practical use applied to theatre productions.
TA 197F Theatre Topics (.5 - 4 units)
Units awarded in topics courses are dependent upon the number of hours required of the student. Any combination of lecture and/or laboratory may be scheduled by the department. Refer to Class Schedule.
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC –Credit determined by UC upon review of course syllabus
Topics in theatre. See Class Schedule for specific topic offered. Course title will designate subject covered.
TA 215 Acting III (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA116
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Emphasizes analysis of literary text and physical methods in the process of creating characters. Scene study and role preparation of significant texts by modern playwrights.
TA 216 Acting IV (3 units)
3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A minimum grade of ‘C’ in TA116
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC
Advanced topics in acting technique including approaches to style and contemporary innovations in acting methods.
TA 297 Experimental Topics in Theatre (1, 2, or 3 units)
3, 6, or 9 hours laboratory
Prerequisite: Previous theatre experience
Note: May be taken 4 times
Transfer acceptability: CSU; UC – Credit determined by UC upon review of course syllabus
Designed for students with particular interest in advanced projects, including individual research. Tutoring and performance for college classes and community.