Hist 102 Syllabus

Subject Material

History 102 includes a study of the political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the United States since Reconstruction with emphasis on: twentieth century reform movements, the United States’ rise to the status of a world power, civil rights, and the development of the national government into the strong over-riding position it holds today. Some consideration will be given to the development of California state and local government.

Required Texts

The American Nation: A History of the United States by Mark C. Carnes and John A. Garraty, Fifteenth  Edition

Bay of Pigs by Howard Jones


There is one writing assignment. The paper is answering a series of questions concerning the information in the book Bay of Pigs.


There are 500 possible points between the four tests and the writing assignment. Percentage grade range

90 — 100 = A

80 —   89 = B

70 —   79 = C

60 —   69 = D

0  —   59 = F