MATCH with National Numeracy Network Conference
Join us for a FREE active and engaging two day conference on Quantitative Reasoning and Numeracy. The conference is facilitated by national leaders in numeracy, quantitative literacy and quantitative rhetoric from the National Numeracy Network (NNN).
Attendees will learn to incorporate quantitative reasoning (QR) and numeracy into their curriculum in order to develop critical thinking in students, provide students with foundational skills, and to help close equity gaps. Participants will interact with the concepts of QR in real-world scenarios and discuss incorporating QR into their classes.
At the end of each day, you will be MATCHed into cross-discipline groups and actively work with colleagues to update or create new lessons for your courses. Together, we can explore the possibilities of quantitative literacy and numeracy within our disciplines!
Conference Session Abstracts
Friday 9/20
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) and Social Justice
A quantitative lens can provide powerful insights into social issues that matter to our students. This dialogue-centered workshop will discuss example activities and projects that connect QR with social justice issues, as well as challenges that often arise for students and faculty when engaging with these topics.
Data Literacy #s for the Professions
As the world becomes increasingly digital, the demand for individuals and organizations to become number savvy is growing. Developing a habit of mind for thinking critical with numbers is crucial for students, regardless of their career goals. All professions are going to require a set of skills to read, work with, analyze. and argue with data. This workshop will provide an overview of current data literacy initiatives in education and industry, and the implications for higher education by including hands-on demonstrations of activities that can be transferred and applied across disciplines.
Statistical Literacy as Rhetoric
Rhetoric is the art of effective communication and persuasion. Due to the advent of computers, statistical literacy is an important component of modern rhetoric. This workshop reviews 4 foundational elements of statistical literacy using only basic arithmetic skills. Attendees will grapple with student exercises, while comparing their answers to the most common student answers.
Rhetorical Numbers: Using Quantitative Evidence in Writing and Argumentation
This workshop will focus on identifying the core elements that underlie effective communication with numbers. This will lead to thinking about course materials that incorporate QR and argumentation. Contemporary argument increasingly relies on quantitative information and reasoning, yet humanists neglect to include QR as part of the rhetorical arts. Explore how to address these issues in assignments.
Saturday 9/21
Data Visualization: Charts and Graphs for Consumers and Producers
Communicating information visually and telling stories with data is a key skill for individuals and organizations in the digital age. The teaching of charting and graphing often focuses on the mechanics of chart production and overlooks the implications for communication with chart type selection, and issues at the intersection of words and numbers. Participants will do a 30-minute adaptable classroom activity using survey data that illustrates some of the struggles and challenges of being a literate consumer of data visualizations.
- Data Visualization PowerPoint (as PDF)
- Charts and Graphs Handout
- Chart and Graph Questions (presenters version)
- Charts and Graph Questions with Answers (not in original format as PDF)
- Charts and Graph Questions with Answers (not in original format as .doc)
Analyzing Numbers in the News
Numbers are everywhere in the news. These numbers are typically used as evidence in arguments. In this interactive workshop, attendees will read short news stories, identify whether they contain an argument. If the stories contain an argument, they will identify the point and analyze the strength of evidence these numbers provide.
Spreadsheets for Quantitative Reasoning: An Excel-lent Way to Engage Your Students with Math
This interactive session will explore how to use spreadsheets to engage students in QR classes. The ultimate goal for these courses is to produce quantitatively literate students capable of actively participating as citizens and workers in the 21st century, and to make informed decisions in their personal, public, and professional lives. If we truly want to empower our students to actively participate in today’s data driven society, then we need to provide them with the requisite skills.