There is a need to allow departments, students, and other community members to post temporary signage on a limited time basis. The style, type and color of signs should be controlled by the Graphics Standards & Style Manual, but room for creativity by the requesting individuals or groups is allowed. General requirements for requesting approval include:
- Length of time for posting.
- Locations for posting.
- Content approved for posting.
A: Departmental Bulletin Boards:
- Departments may have their own bulletin boards to support their functions.
- The boards shall match the approved District standards for bulletin boards.
- Each department is responsible for the posting of information, regular updating of the board, and keeping the boards in good condition.
- All postings must meet the guidelines established by the “Graphics Standards and Style Manual”.
- All bulletin boards should have a plaque that indicates the department that controls the bulletin board, the name of a person or position to contact for information, and a room number or telephone number for that person.
B: Classroom Bulletin Boards – Exterior:
- There are currently small bulletin boards mounted outside of every classroom for the posting of room changes, cancelled classes and other information related to the classroom.
- These boards may be removed and replaced by a slot-type temporary signage system on the classroom doors.
C: Classroom Bulletin Boards – Interior:
- There are bulletin boards located in each classroom to post information for emergencies, student information, department information, weekly news, etc.
- The standard material that should be posted on these boards includes the Emergency Evacuation Procedures and Emergency Flipcharts.
D: Community Use Bulletin Boards:
- These bulletin boards are controlled by the Associated Student Government. The ASG office needs to approve all postings on these boards.
- The postings on these boards should be reviewed by ASG representatives on a weekly basis to keep them current.
E: Banners:
- Groups may request to have banners mounted on the various buildings for special events. The Facilities Department is responsible for installation and removal of the banners.
- There should be permanent location and mounting means for these banners in the areas that are used on a regular basis.
- A work request will be needed by the facilities office for the posting of the banners on the buildings.
F: Informational Signage:
- These signs inform the communities of services or upcoming events.
- “The Palomar Community College District Policy on Student and Visitor Symbolic Expression” contains regulations and guidance with reference to signage. Copies of this policy are available in the Student Affairs Office.
G: Posters and Flyers for Elections and Events:
- These items of an informal nature may be approved and posted by the Associated Student Government for elections or other similar functions.
- Postings should be in approved locations where permanent mounting means are installed to accommodate these needs.
H: Temporary Directional Signage:
- These signs would direct people to special events and may use the existing light poles or other approved devices.
- Posting of signs is not recommended in the lawn areas.
I: Decorative Flags:
- Flags may be hung from the pole light banners as long as they do not create a structural hazard for the pole light.
- Standard colored flags are hung on the pole lights that do not have sign plaques and are located on the interior campus sidewalks. Additional flags are hung in parking lots. These flags are provided by the Marketing Communications Office on a yearly or as-needed basis. The Facilities Department is responsible for installation and removal of the flags.