The Foundation’s mission is to remove financial barriers to ensure student’s success. One of the Foundation’s core programs is providing emergency grants, textbook assistance, and educational support to students that are experiencing financial difficulties.
If a student has received funding/laptop in previous semesters, they may not be eligible for emergency funds due to limited funding availability.
Emergency Grants/Textbook Assistance/Laptops
If you are a student experiencing an emergency situation that is a barrier to education, please have a faculty, staff, or an administrator complete the online referral form to be considered for emergency funding or textbook assistance. Emergency grants and textbook assistance funds range from $50 – $250. Requests are reviewed on the next available Tuesday and are limited to one student per semester.
Step 1 – Faculty or Administrator to complete a referral form for the student. Online form
Step 2—Once approved, the student will receive an email with a link to the emergency grant form from the Foundation.
If a student has received funding/laptop in previous semesters, they may not be eligible for emergency funds due to limited funding availability.
Community Resources
If you or someone you know is in need of immediate assistance, visit the 211 San Diego site, which is a local non-profit organization that provides information and connections to community, health, and disaster resources. Help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and in more than 200 languages.
Also, visit Palomar College’s Student Life & Leadership site for more on-campus resources that may be able to help further.