Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

The Finance & Administrative Services Division is dedicated to the demonstration of “community-based” support services.

Our mission = Service.

Service: To provide the finest quality support services by the Finance & Administrative Services Departments (Business & Contract Services, Facilities, Fiscal Services and Information Services).

Below is a list of “Frequently Asked Questions” that is developed to be of assistance to the staff and faculty of Palomar College.

Should a question arise that is not listed, please contact the division office at extension 2109.


How do I order office supplies from Office Depot?

There are two ways to place orders with Office Depot. If you do not have a Cal-Card, you will have to process a purchasing requisition. If you do have a Cal-Card, you need to e-mail the Business & Contract Services Staff Assistant (cwick@palomar.edu) with your request. You will need to include your extension, the last 4 digits of your Cal-Card and the expiration date of your card. You will be set up at the Office Depot secure website with a username, password and an online training document.

What is a Cal-Card and how do I obtain one?

The Cal-Card program is designed to allow District employees to purchase supplies/materials and equipment, valued under $1,000, through the use of a Visa credit card. Its purpose is to provide an alternative cost effective way to obtain low-value goods that would otherwise be purchased using purchase orders. The Cal-Card is issued for government entity use only and contains limitations and special features including: single purchase transaction limits, authorized merchant categories and approval procedures.

The Cal-Card is issued only to an employee who is a full-time personnel District employee having a business need for such. When determining and justifying who has significant business/operations need for the Cal-Card. Approving officials should consider the following criteria:

  • The ability to satisfy the purchasing needs of several employees within the same department
  • The projected dollar volume of Cal-Card purchases
  • The projected frequency of Cal-Card usage
  • Issuance of the Cal-Card should be needs based and not be solely for the convenience of the employee
  • Number of existing cards in the department/area

The Cal-Card must only be used by the cardholder whose name appears on the card. Cardholders are delegated limited purchasing authority on behalf of the District. With this limited delegation of authority, the cardholder is fully responsible for the goods purchased, following District purchasing guidelines, and ensuring that sufficient funding is available to pay for purchases at all times. District purchasing guidelines can be found here.

For information on applying for the Cal-Card, click here.

How do I obtain certificates of insurance from outside agencies or companies? 

The Business & Contract Services Department is responsible for preparing proper insurance solicitations for the District’s liability coverage. All District-wide insurance policies are administered through the office of the Manager of Business & Contract Services.

Contractors doing work on campus or education centers must be required to file the following proofs of insurance with the District prior to receiving authorization to proceed on a contract.

  • Certificate of Insurance confirming $1,000,000 combined single limit general liability coverage and automobile liability coverage, both naming the Palomar Community College District as an additional insured and copies of the endorsements to the policies naming the Palomar Community College District as an additional insured
  • Proof of workers’ compensation coverage

Should any of the above-described policies be cancelled prior to their expiration dates, the issuing company shall mail 30 days written notice of cancellation to the District. The contractor shall maintain current insurance documents, for all of the above coverages, on file at the District during the term of any contract with the District.

How do I obtain a District certificate of insurance required by an external business or organization? 

Use of Facilities or other agreements often call for the District to submit proof of insurance. Please contact the Business & Contract Services Staff Assistant at ext. 2122 with your request for a certificate of insurance.

What business opportunities are available with the College? 

Vendors can review how to do business with the District here and see current opportunities here.

Who is responsible for contracts and agreements at the College? 

Business & Contract Services provide contract services to the executive administration, faculty and staff. All construction contracts for public works projects by the District are let through the Office, and contracts and Board resolutions on a wide variety of topics are prepared. Please click here for additional information.

How do I have a contract/agreement prepared, reviewed and/or submitted for Board authorizations? 

All contracts/agreements must be submitted to Business & Contracts Services with an attached review form. Please contact them for any questions related to District contracts/agreements.

How are public works projects (construction services) requests put out for competitive quote or bid? 

  • $1,000 – $5,000: Depending on the nature of the given work project, comparison-shopping needs will be determined by the Business Services Department, Contracts Department or Facilities Department, as applicable
  • $5,0001 – $14,-999: The Business Services Department, Contracts Department or Facilities Department, as applicable, will attempt to solicit at least 3 written competitive quotes
  • $15,000 – Up: Formal bidding including advertising and Board approval is required (California Public Contract Code).

Note: Any “works of improvement” (work involving labor), the total cost of which exceeds $15,000 must be accompanied by a labor and materials (payment) bond prior to the commencement of work, or the contractor may not be paid.

Vendors are responsible for the accuracy of quoted prices submitted to the Business Services Department. In the vent of a discrepancy between a unit price and its extension, the unit price will govern. Quotes may be amended or withdrawn by the bidder up to the time of opening the bids.

It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure that their quotations are received in the Business Services or Contract Services Office no later than the designated hour and day of the bid opening time and date, as specified in the request for bid.

All bids/quotations become a part of the Business & Contracts Services Department’s records and may be reviewed upon request by interested parties after the bid is awarded. No bids or quotes may be removed from the Business & Contracts Services Department.

Who is authorized to sign contracts/agreements? 

There are 3 individuals authorized to sign contracts/agreements for the District: President, Vice President of Finance & Administrative Services and the Manager of Business & Contracts Services.

How do I contact Auxiliary Services management?

Contract management matters should be addressed to the Manager of Business & Contracts Services at ext. 2697.

Can the Warehouse store items for campus departments? 

Only if space is available and arrangements are made with the Warehouse prior to receiving a shipment.

Who is responsible for moving/transferring furniture on campus? 

The Custodial Department is responsible for all moves and transfers on campus. The Warehouse is responsible for moving and transferring furniture to all the off-site centers.

Who do we contact for surplus pick-up? 

You must first fill out an Inventory Request Form, accessed through the Fiscal Services web page. The completed form (with all necessary signatures) should then be forwarded to Fiscal Services. They will notify the Warehouse when the surplus is ready for pick-up.

Note: the Information Services Department must be contacted for computer related items. IS will fill out the surplus form. Furniture, chairs, etc. with no property tag will be picked up by the Warehouse as soon as possible.


For information regarding the Capital Outlay Process, access the Facilities Planning Manual through the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office webpage.

For information regarding Space Inventory Procedures, access the California Community College’s Chancellor’s webpage. The physical space inventory database provides the statistical basis for many internal, state and federal reports regarding campus buildings, their usage and occupants.

Routine questions regarding this process should be directed to the Manager of Construction & Facilities Planning at ext. 2772.



Where can I locate budget forms and instructions?

http://www. palomar/edu/fiscal_services/Budget/

How do I obtain travel approval? 

Complete a Request for Travel Approval/Claim for Travel Expense form (top and left side), obtain approving signature(s). To obtain forms and additional travel information, click here.

How am I reimbursed for travel? 

Fill out the same Request for Travel Approval/Claim for Travel Expense form requesting reimbursement by completing the right side of the form, attaching receipts and obtaining authorized signatures. To obtain forms and instructions, click here.

How am I reimbursed for business mileage? 

For employees who travel frequently and routinely, fill out a Business Mileage Claim Form. You must also complete a Blanket County Travel Approval Form for the entire fiscal year. To obtain forms and instructions, click here.

How do I make arrangements and pay for airfare? 

Airfare can be obtained by one of a few methods. Click here to obtain the procedures.

How long does it take for a reimbursement check to be issued? 

Advance travel registration and lodging payment requests, reimbursement claims and business mileage claims must be received in Fiscal Services on Tuesday by noon, in order to make the weekly check run on Thursdays. Employee checks are disbursed on Friday’s and sent through campus mail. Checks issued to hotel and registration vendors are mailed directly to the vendors.


How can I start a TSA? 

First you must open an account with the company you want to participate in. Second, make sure that the company you want to contribute to is on the list of approved TSAs. If it’s not, please contact the Payroll Manager at  ext. 2880. If the company that you want to contribute to is on the list of approved vendors, fill out a Salary Reduction Agreement and turn it in to Payroll Services. The SRA is available here, under Payroll forms.

How can I cancel any of my voluntary deductions? 

Please complete Cancellation Notice of Voluntary Payroll Deduction available here. Submit the form to Payroll Services for processing.


How do I get a new classified absence report? 

Contact Cyndi at ext. 2937 in Payroll to get a copy, they are not online.

I would like to buy back PERS service credit. How do I get paperwork? 

Call PERS at 1-800-352-2238.

How many hours of sick time do I get each year and when do they get advanced? 

96 hours are advanced to 12 month, full-time classified employees. Anyone with less then 12 month and/or less than 100% assignment receives a proportionate number of hours, e.g. a 10 month, 80% employee  will be credited with 64 hours of sick leave. A full-pay sick leave is advanced on July 1st.

What happens when I run out of sick leave?

You will automatically be put on 1/2 pay for any sick hours reported.

What happens if I run out of personal necessity? 

Those hours will be charged to vacation, if you have any; otherwise, they will be docked.

If it’s close to the end of the fiscal year, can my next fiscal year’s sick leave allowance be advanced to me? 


What happens if I still have personal necessity hours left, but I have no sick time at full-pay remaining? 

If you have a zero balance in sick leave, you DO NOT have any personal necessity either. Payroll will be making a manual adjustment to zero out any remaining personal necessity when sick leave has been exhausted.

I need more vacation than my check stub shows that I have? 

If you need more than one day, you must request advanced vacation (form in Payroll or on website).

I’m scheduled to be off-salary 3.6 hours; how long is .6? 

36 minutes (.6 x 60 min).


What are the pay dates for adjunct faculty? 

Pay dates for full length semester classes are as follows:

  • Summer Semester – July 20 & August 20
  • Fall Semester – September 20, October 20, November 20 & December 20
  • Spring Semester – February 20, March 20, April 20 & May 20

When the 20th falls on a weekend or holiday, pay day is the preceding work day. Questions regarding payment for non-conventional assignments should be referred to ext. 2138.

I don’t seem to have enough Federal and/or State taxes taken out of my paycheck. Why? 

Due to the annualized tax schedule and the division of adjunct pay, there are some cases that the taxable gross is not subject to Federal and/or State tax, or very little. Additional taxes can always be deducted by indicating an additional amount on a W-4 (Federal) or DE-4 (State) form.

When can I use my sick leave? 

As stated in the Adjunct handbook, “Sick leave may be used when the instructor is ill or in cases of personal necessity including any of the following: death or serious illness of a member of immediate family; accident involving person or property, or property of a member of immediate family; appearance in court as a litigant or as a witness under an official order.” Jury duty is not compensated for missed adjunct or overload classes.

Why are my hours different this semester from last semester? I’m teaching the same class. 

This question should be directed to your Academic Department Assistant. Holidays can affect your total hours for a semester, but these hours are determined by your department.


When is pay day? 

Pay day is the last day of each month. If it falls on a weekend, pay day will be the Friday prior. If it falls on a Holiday, it will be on the previous business day.

When are time reports due? 

Time reports are due in the Payroll Department the first business day following the 15th of each month.

Where can I get a time report? 

Time reports are available on the Payroll webpage or in the Payroll Department.

How do I get my pay check? 

Pay checks are mailed on pay day. Direct deposit is available and recommended.


When is pay day? 

Pay day is on the 10th of each month. If it falls on a weekend, pay day will be the Friday prior. If it falls on a Holiday, it will be on the previous business day.

When are time reports due? 

Time reports are due in the Payroll Department the first business day following the 24th of each month.

Where can I get a time report?

Time reports are available on the Payroll webpage or in the Payroll Department.

How do I get my pay check? 

Pay checks are mailed on pay day. Direct deposit is available and recommended.


Who do I call if I have a computer or printer problem? 

Information Services Helpdesk at ext. 2140

Where would I find information about buying a computer or software? 

For work or home use, you can obtain the information here.

How can I change my password on my computer?

Hold down CTRL/ALT/DELETE keys on the keyboard. The bottom, left-hand side button should say “Change Password.” Click on that button and follow the steps. If you have any problems, please call ext. 2140 for help.

How do I set up for computer use and email? 

Have the Department ADA, Chair, Supervisor, Manager, Director or VP fill out the Access Request Form that can be found here.

Who do I contact if an employee is no longer working for Palomar College and their computer accounts need to be removed? 

Use the Access Request Form, fill out the “remove” part of the form.

If I log into any computer on campus, why can’t I get my email from Outlook on all the computers? 

Outlook email is configured for one person – per one computer (your regularly used computer). You may obtain your email from any computer by going here.

How do I order a new telephone, fax service or data line? 

Fill out the Data Telephone Services Request Form which can be found here, get the appropriate signatures and account information, turn the form into the Information Services Helpdesk. They will process the paperwork and create the work order for Telecommunications tech or contracted vendor to complete the work.

Who can help me with PeopleSoft questions? 

Call the Helpdesk at ext. 2140 and they will either answer your question or create a work order for either a tech or programmer to help you.

Who do I contact if I have questions or problem with a phone? 

Call the Helpdesk at ext. 2140 or the Switchboard at ext. “0.”

Who would I contact if I cannot remember my PIN number for the telephone?

Call the Helpdesk at ext. 2140 or the Switchboard at ext. “0” and they can reset it.