The Budget Committee (BC) meets the first and third Tuesday of the month from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. in LRC-116 and via Zoom. BC recommends the process for the development of the guidelines for the preparation of the unrestricted and designated budgets. Through the development of annual fiscal plans, the BC recommends budgeting parameters and aligns the college’s priorities to budgets and institutional planning. The committee reviews revenue projections for the upcoming fiscal year based upon estimated and reported FTES. In times of fiscal instability, the BC reviews and recommends to the Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Fiscal Stewardship Council (IEPFSC) reallocation and reductions of expenditures. Annually the BC, along with IEPFSC, reviews the budget developed at the unit level and submitted through the appropriate planning council and makes recommendations as necessary. The BC members are responsible for communicating information related to budgeting to their appropriate constituency groups, however, Tentative and Adopted Budgets are approved by the Governing Board.
The Budget Committee reports to the Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Fiscal Stewardship Council (IEPFSC) and is chaired by the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services.
To access the Budget Committee Minutes, Agendas and other information, please refer to the Budget Committee Active Minutes page on BoardDocs.