
Open Classes for the 2025 Spring Term


Click on THIS LINK to see a plan of study for completing the requirements for an Associate of Arts for Transfer (AA-T) in Economics

CourseDurationCampusRoomInstructor# to AddClass Meeting
Econ 1001/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 303Park, Paul30388T/Th 9:35-11:00 am
Econ 1011/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 304Rahmani, Farideh30425T/Th 11:10 am-12:35pm
Econ 1021/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 303TBA30427M/W 9:35-11:00 am
Econ 1021/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineZavodny, Anastasia33659Online/Asynchronous
Econ 125*1/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 316Park, Paul33590M/W 9:35-11:00 am

*ECON 125 is one of the specialized subject matter classes needed for completion of the Associate Degree in Economics (AA) and Associate Degree in Economics for Transfer (AA-T). This class is only offered once every other year. If you are planning on completing the AA or AA-T in Economics it is recommended that you complete this class when it is offered.

Global Studies

CourseDurationCampusRoomInstructor# to AddClass Meeting
GBST 1021/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 316Ritt, Travis33449T/Th 11:10am-12;35pm


Click on THIS LINK to see a plan of study for completing the requirements for an Associate of Arts for Transfer (AA-T) in History

CourseDurationCampusRoomInstructor# to AddClass Meeting
Hist 1011/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineParenti, Marina31412Online, Asynchronous
Hist 1011/27 to 5/22Escondido/OnlineESC-105Parenti, Marina33055Monday, 8:00 -9:25 am AND Online, Asynchronous
Hist 1011/27 to 5/22Escondido/OnlineESC-105Parenti, Marina33064Monday, 11:10 am-12:35 pm AND Online, Asynchronous
Hist 1011/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 305Marjanovic, Kristen30448M/W 11:10am-12:35pm
Hist 1021/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 305McMullen, Kenneth32741T/Th 12:45-2:10pm
Hist 1021/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 306Marjanovic, Kristen33119T/Th 11:10am-12:35pm
Hist 1061/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineRitt, Travis30437M/W 9:35-11:00am
Hist 1081/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 316Ritt, Travis30436T/Th 9:35-11:00am
Hist 1401/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 103Herrera, Jennifer30469T/Th 11:10am-12:35pm
Hist 1401/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineHerrera, Jennifer30389Online, Asynchronous
Hist 1511/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineHerrera, Jennifer31223Online, Asynchronous

Political Science

Click on THIS LINK to see a plan of study for completing the requirements for an Associate of Arts for Transfer (AA-T) in Political Science

CourseDurationCampusRoomInstructor# to AddClass Meeting
POSC 1011/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineZacharias, Jared33636Online, Asynchronous
POSC 1011/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineHarrison, Michael33528Online, Asynchronous
POSC 1011/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineZacharias, Jared30433Online, Asynchronous
POSC 1011/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 315Bowman, Peter30434M/W 11:10am-12:35pm
POSC 1011/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 315Bowman, Peter33527T/Th 9:35-11:00am
POSC 1021/27 to 5/22OnlineOnlineCastaneda, Gary31444Online, Asynchronous
POSC 110*1/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 315Bowman, Peter30430T/Th 11:10am-12:35pm
POSC 240*1/27 to 5/22San MarcosMD 317Bartlett, Bradley32878Mon 12:45-2:10pm

*POSC 110 and POSC 240 are two of the specialized subject matter classes needed for completion of the Associate Degree in Political Science for Transfer (AA-T). These classes are only offered once a year. If you are planning on completing the AA-T in Political Science it is recommended that you complete these classes when they are offered.

Political Economy Days: Click Here to see videos of the Fall 2024 presentations

Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) and Associate in Arts degree requirements

Click on the links below to see the degree requirements and class sequence for a degree that covers the transfer requirements  for the CSU and UC colleges

Carrera intermedia en Artes para la Transferencia (AA-T) (información en español)

Todas las clases serán impartidas en inglés

Department Black Lives Matter Solidarity Statement

To Fight Racism, American Colleges Must Prioritize Teaching History

by Catherine Christensen Gwin, Ph.D.
Palomar College AntiRacism symbol
Palomar College United: Educators for Antiracism


Dr. Robert Reich (UC Berkeley)
visits Palomar College,
November, 2018.
With Economic Professors
Teresa Laughlin and Barbara Baer.