Dual Enrollment Models

The Dual Enrollment Program is set-up according to the needs of the high school and its students. Below are the various models for offering courses. All classes are taught by Palomar College faculty. 

Before and After School
  • Classes are held during zero period or 7th period.
  • Least conflicts between district policies.
During the School Day
  • Classes are held during periods 1 – 6.
  • Palomar professor comes in to teach the class.
  • Any absences must be reported to both Palomar and the HS due to the requirement supervision in the classroom.
  • Most successful model for students.
Online Model with Support
  • HS student has a period during the day dedicated to complete work for the online Palomar course.
  • Teacher present in the classroom who is able to assist with technical issues and resources (Canvas, online tutoring, etc.).
  • Teacher is also available to help with communication between the student and the professor if needed.
Dual Staffing
  • Classes are held during periods 1 – 6.
  • Palomar professor comes in to teach the class 2 days a week.
  • A HS teacher is also in the classroom for the entire week. Teacher is there for additional support for the student, not as an assistant to the professor.
  • Teacher has no influence on the curriculum for the Palomar course. The teacher can provide supplemental support if desired by the professor.
Reserving Spots in Existing Sections (offered on Palomar’s campus)

Dual Enrollment Office will ask chair and professor if they are willing to reserve spots for high school students. This can be done if the following is true:

  1. Course is not impacted.
  2. More than 1 section is offered in that semester.
  3. Less than 50% of the seats are reserved.
Last modified on June 2, 2019