Standard (Bulk) Mail

The standard mail rate can be applied to mailings consisting of letters, post cards or flats.  Regular standard and non-profit mailings must have a minimum of 200 pieces.

Please allow a minimum of two weeks for your standard mailing to reach your addressees from the time the mailing is received in the Mailroom.

It is your responsibility to make sure that your mail piece content and format is correct. Check to be sure that the service endorsement used is the correct one. You can check the regulations at

If using the non-profit indicia, please check with the post office to be sure that your mail piece qualifies, and use the correct indicia for your mailing. If incorrect, you may be required to either reprint, manually correct each indicia or pay additional postage on your mailing. You can have your non-profit artwork approved by contacting the US Postal Service at:  MDA@USPS.GOV, 855-593-6093.

Each piece must have:

1.     an indicia (permit imprint) either printed or stamped in the upper right corner. The indicia must be for the correct type of mailing–Non-Profit or Standard Mail.

2.     an Ancillary Service Endorsement

3.     a return address  printed or stamped on the upper left corner. The return address must have “Palomar Community College District” on the top line.

4.     Mailing Address on each piece must include the correct zip code.

Pieces must be sorted, kept in zip code order and bundled:

A bundle consists of a minimum of 10 pieces and cannot be more than 4 inches thick.  Please Note: For flats, the minimum number of pieces per bundle is 15. Please call the Mailroom for additional information. Securely band each bundle together by using two rubber bands, one stretching lengthwise (thin) and another stretching widthwise (thick). If your mail piece is large/heavy, use two thick rubber bands. The Post Office needs to be able to toss your bundle 3 to 6 feet without having it come apart. If it does come apart, the pieces are disposed of. Additional rubber bands are available in the Mailroom.

Complete the sorting in order as shown below. Count every piece in each bundle and write the total number of pieces on the sticker you will be applying on the lower left corner of each bundle. Stickers are applied only to the top piece of each bundle.

All envelopes must be sealed or have their flaps tucked in. On single-fold or two-fold flyers, please seal with tape or coding dots. DO NOT use staples.


This step is done in order to organize your mailing before you begin making 5 and 3 digit bundles. While maintaining zip code order, group the pieces by 3-digit zip code (i.e. one tray with 919’s, one tray with 920’s, and another with 921’s).


Again while maintaining zip code order, pull from these groups any five-digit zip codes of ten or more pieces and bundle them together. Place a red label “D” below and to the left of the address on the top piece in each bundle and write the total number of pieces in that bundle on the red label. After making all the five-digit bundles you can, go on to step 3.  Please Note: For flats, the minimum number of pieces per bundle is 15. Please call the Mailroom for additional information.


From the remaining pieces, pull any three-digit zip codes of ten or more pieces and bundle them together. Sort them into zip code order from lowest to highest.  Please Note: For flats, the minimum number of pieces per bundle is 15. Please call the Mailroom for additional information. Place a green label “3” below and to the left of the address on the top piece in each bundle. Write the total number of pieces in that bundle on the green label. These bundles should never include any zip codes that are in the 5 digit bundles. If you find you’ve missed putting a mail piece in a 5-digit bundle, find that bundle, add the mail piece to the bundle and edit the number of pieces on the red “D” label.  After making all the three-digit bundles you can, go on to step 4.


Organize the remaining pieces in ZIP code order, lowest number to the highest. Once completed, submit the standard mailing to the Mailroom. PLEASE be sure to include your completed SPECIAL SERVICE REQUEST form.

There are no standard mail service outside the United States. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Mailroom at Extension 2113.