Transfer Articulation Proposals

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges resolution on MOUs (Spring 2005), recommends local Faculty Senate participate in all discussions of academic matters related to MOUs and develop criteria when judging the strengths and weaknesses of such MOUs.  In accordance with the ASCCC resolution on MOUs adopted in Spring 2005, and in coordination with the California Intersegmental Articulation Council (CIAC) best practices for transfer MOUs, it is recommended to establish an MOU process that engages local Faculty Senate participation and defines the transfer articulation agreement as a separate and distinct process, separate from an MOU.

Furthermore, the 2006 ASCCC rostrum notes the impacts of the MOU affecting instruction, including intersegmental agreements, transfer degree processes, articulation, performance data, achievement of specific degrees or certificates, mandated academic policies and support services.  Moreover, because the MOU affects counseling and academic advising and curriculum, a “strong faculty presence is required in the agreement’s formation and implementation”.

Articulation and Transfer Articulation proposals inquiries may be sent to Palomar College’s Articulation Officer: