On behalf of the Asian Pacific Alliance in Higher Education at Palomar College, we extend our condolences and offer our support in the wake of the devastating fires on the island of Maui. Many of our colleagues, family, and friends have loved ones and/or heritages within the Hawaiian islands. We are heartbroken to see these islands that hold rich histories hit with such tragedy. It is during these difficult times that we hope for strength, courage, and resiliency for all of those impacted. Please check in on one another and consider the following resources of support.
For anyone who has family in Maui:
Contact the Hawaii Red Cross/Restoring Family Links phone number at 1-844-782-9441 or call: 1-800 RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) and select Option 4. Follow the voice prompts for “Hawaii Wildfires.”
To help those in need:
The Maui Strong Fund – Hawaii Community Foundation: https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/maui-strong
United Way Maui Fire Relief Funds: https://ignite.stratuslive.com/auw/get-involved/donate/mauirelief
Maui Food Bank: https://mauifoodbank.org/donate/
Maui Humane Society: https://www.mauihumanesociety.org/
On-campus student resources:
Behavioral Health Counseling Services (BHCS) provides free, confidential counseling and remains available to support all students who may need assistance. If you are a student in need of support, you may schedule an appointment by calling 760-891-7531 or by coming to the BHCS office in NB-2 on the San Marcos Campus during our operational hours. Visit www.palomar.edu/bhcs for more information.
Employee resources:
Anthem Employee Assistance Program, (800) 999-7222; AnthemEAP.com/sisc Company Code = sisc
VOYA Employee Assistance Program, (877) 533-2363; TDD: (800) 697-0353, guidanceresources.com, WebID = My5848i