Congratulations to our Classified Employees!

Congratulations go out to Anna Hilton (Languages & Literature Division Office), Patricia Alvarado (ESL Office), and Rosalinda Tovar (TLC) on being nominated for the Classified Employee of the Year Award!  They are standouts among the many outstanding classified employees of Palomar College honored at March 23rd’s Classified Staff Development Day.

Also being honored for achieving a milestone in years of service to Palomar College are:

15 Years

  • Patricia Robinson (Tutoring Services, Tutorial Assistant @ TLC EC)
  • Leticia Murillo (Tutoring Services, Tutoring/Proctoring Assistant)
  • Judith Marquez (World Languages, ISA I)
  • Dalia Lopez (TLC, Office Specialist)

10 Years

  • Juan Gonzalez (ESL, ESL Program Assistant)

5 Years

  • Jeanna Pina-Bayaca (TLC, Office Specialist III)

Take a moment to reach out to extend your congratulations to our division’s honorees.  Then take a moment to reach out to all of our classified staff, who work in service to our students, faculty, and staff every day to thank them on a job well done!