A Note from VPI Sourbeer

Hi Everyone,

I was helping a student find a building on Monday and in the process learned she was “a freshman”, very nervous, unsure of her preparation, and lacking in confidence.  I left her at the library, but realized later I had missed an opportunity–she is the type of student who would be served well by participating in our First Year Experience (FYE) program.  If you have “new” students in your classes, please make them aware of the FYE program and encourage them to apply (http://www.palomar.edu/fye/).

I also want to bring to your attention that our PD office is conducting another Active Learning Conference on October 24.  These conferences have been well received in the past and more information is available below.  Hopefully, you will be interested attending, but also please let colleagues in K-12 know about the conference as it is a good opportunity to promote relationships with faculty members in our feeder districts.

Here’s the link to the Active Learners Conference:


Here is a video about the conference


Here is a one-minute video about the conference:


Thank you and have a great semester!
