What are Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) courses and Low Textbook Cost (LTC) courses? Great question! Here’s some basic information about how we define ZTC and LTC courses.
Students Please Note: You may be accessing ZTC/LTC materials in various digital formats. If you would like a paper copy of the digital book you are using, please contact the bookstore for possible options. Try to avoid using campus printers to print entire books; however, your professors may ask you to print out some materials for class.
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC)
To be a ZTC labeled course, there must be no associated textbook costs. In other words, students must be able to access any required textbook material completely free of charge.
Low-Cost Textbooks (LTC)
To be designated as a low cost course, the total price for all required textbooks must be $40 or less. This must be the price available to students through the campus bookstore. It is important that this pricing is for the textbooks from the bookstore, as students receiving financial aid are often only eligible to use that aid through our campus bookstore.
To see information about ZTC and LTC visually, please refer to this handout: ZTC vs LTC.