Palomar Board Adopts Native Land Acknowledgement Statement


“Developed in collaboration with tribal nations, the statement acknowledges the continued presence of First People and pledges to honor ancestral lands and continue supporting Indigenous students.

The statement reads:

The resilient and continued presence of the Payómkawichum/Luiseño, the Kuméyaay/Ipai/Diegueño, the Kuupangaxwichem/Cupeño, and the Ívillyuatem/Cahuilla Nations compels Palomar College to take sustainable, respectful action to engage the land and its First People with justice and compassion as fellow human beings. Palomar College acknowledges it benefits from the unceded ancestral lands of these sovereign Nations and commits to promoting indigenous knowledge systems and practices in its educational mission. Palomar College pledges to foster a successful learning environment that supports Indigenous students and engages the needs and concerns of the Nations who continue to occupy this land.”


Anthropology Days 2019 Was A Success!

Thanks to all our volunteers, speakers, and the Anthropology Club for making Anthropology Days a success!

Check out our photos, all taken by Mr. Nick Ng from The Telescope, Palomar College’s newspaper.



Anthropology Days – Wednesday, October 30 and Thursday, October 31

Coming soon….. Anthropology Days at Palomar College 

Wednesday, October 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. join us at the Clocktower for fun-filled demonstrations (flint knapping, spear throwing, excavating, etc.), activities (atlatl contests, cave paintings, identify bones, identify non-human primates and hominins), and other cool stuff.

Thursday, October 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. join us for great talks at the Governing Board Room (SSCC-1) from experts in Archaeology, the San Diego Archaeological Center, Multicultural Studies, American Indian Studies, Religious Studies, Performing Arts, and many more.

nthropology Days Thursday, October 31 Flyer with Guest Speakers from 9:00am-3:00pm
Anthropology Days Thursday, October 31 Flyer with Guest Speakers from 9:00am-3:00pm

Guest Speakers List

What’s Happening

We are excited about starting the Fall 2019 semester with a variety of classes and activities.   Our archaeology excavation class at Rancho Penasquitos Adobe starts Saturday, August 24.  Our first meeting will take place at Palomar College at 8:00 am in room MD-124.    Get ready to dig, learn about the past, have fun, and meet new people!   You may want to consider getting our Archaeology Certificate which can land you a job in the Cultural Resource Management (CRM) industry.

We offer all types of classes that are not only interesting but meet general requirements like Introduction to Biological Anthropology (Anth 100) satisfies the natural science/life science requirements for UC and CSU; and Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Anth 105) satisfies the social and behavioral sciences for UC and CSU.

Keep a look out for Anthropology Days coming in October 30 and 31 – there will be stone tool making, spear throwing, cave paintings, skeletons, scavenger hunts, snacks, music, presentations, and experts to talk to!

Stay tuned for Anthropology Club announcements.  If you are interested in being an Anthropology Club Officer please contact us!


Fun Classes to Enroll in

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Image Sources

  • homininskulls: Palomar Community College District | All Rights Reserved