Student Development Program

Welcome to the California Native American Research Centers for Health Student Development Program (CA-NARCH SDP) Program. The program is funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS) and is a partnership between Indian Health Council, CSUSM, UC San Diego, SDSU, and Palomar Community College. The purpose of this program is to actively recruit and support students in science and health fields to increase the number of American Indian/Alaska Native scientists and health professionals and decrease health disparities in Native American populations
Eligibility Requirements
- Identify as American Indian/Alaska Native
- Be a STEM major at CSUSM, SDSU, UC San Diego, or Palomar College
Program Benefits
- Conduct Research and Travel to Conferences
- Attend Research Seminars
- Attend Scientific meetings to present your research
- GRE Prep Courses
- Networking with other AI/AN students and faculty
- Cultural celebrations
- Assistance applying to other graduate program, jobs, scholarships and other activities
Student Benefits
- Stipends to conduct research
- Obtain “hands-on” research experience in research laboratories
- Travel and conference expenses paid
- Mentoring by program faculty and staff
- Networking opportunities
- Academic Advising