Easy Tables: TablePress Plugin Basics

This is part one of a two-part series on how to easily create tables in WordPress. Topics covered in this 10-minute session include:

    • Overview of the interface
    • How to add a new table from scratch
    • How to import a table by copy/paste from Excel data
    • Adding a table title and description
    • How to add a TablePress table to a WordPress page.

View the Zoom Recording

Image Sources

Getting Started: SiteOrigin Page Builder

The SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin allows you to create complex WordPress pages without ever having to write a line of code. If you’re looking for an intuitive way to make multiple columns, accordion toggles, or other complex interactive features for your website, this page builder might make sense. If you don’t see this plugin in your WordPress dashboard, contact ATRC Help and request to have it activated.

Here is SiteOrigin’s wonderful quick-start guide to its Page Builder plugin. Enjoy!

Image Sources

  • Page Builder Logo: SiteOrigin | All Rights Reserved