Recording Zoom Sessions – Security and Privacy

Recording Zoom Sessions

Recording of your Zoom sessions may be made and shared with your students as long as you do not make the recordings public.   You can share recordings in that same class but not in different classes. If you want to record students for publication or to post in other classes, you need to have them all sign this form.

Without a permission form,  you are required to only share the recordings with students using a secure method where the student has been authenticated.

The two methods that are recognized as using student authentication are posting a recording (or its link) on a page in a Canvas class or by sending a recording link to your students’ Palomar College email address from your Palomar College email address.

If you wish to record a Zoom session, students must be provided the following information beforehand…

  • That there is a risk that any participant, that is viewing a Zoom session, may use third-party software to record that session and post that recording in a public space (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, etc.) There is no way for an instructor to prevent that from happening or to know that it is happening
  • If they do not wish to be seen on the recording, they must not turn on the Start Video area while the Zoom session is being recorded.
  • If they do not wish to have their image seen on the recording, they must not post an image of themselves in their Zoom account (if they have one) profile while the Zoom session is being recorded.
  • If they do not wish to be heard on the recording, they must not UnMute themselves while the Zoom session is being recorded.
  • If they do not wish to have any questions posted in the Chat area be seen on a recording, they must not participate in the Chat area while the Zoom session is being recorded.
  • Since their real names must be used when signing into a Zoom session, their names may be revealed in the recording. The laws that protect student privacy, FERPA, do not require that a student name be hidden from other students.

While the instructor must respect the desires of those students who do not wish to have their faces, names, comments, etc. appear in a recording, an instructor may still have participation requirements in a class and award points for that participation.

If it is your intention to post this recording in a public space (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, etc)  you will need student permission in advance from every student that appears or is heard in the recording, just as you would if you were recording a face-to-face class.

Under no circumstances may you prevent a student from being in your Zoom session because they refuse to sign such a permission form (or Consent in a dialog box.)


Before Recording Your Zoom Sessions


During a Recording of a Zoom Session

  • Begin any recordings of a session by clicking the Record button, which will announce to all students that a recording has begun.
  • An instructor may end the recording at any time, which will announce to all students that a recording has ended.


Before a Recording of a Zoom Session, the Student…

  • Will let the instructor know beforehand if they do not want to be called on publicly during a Zoom session; if the instructor calls on that student anyway, the student may ignore the instructor’s query and remain silent without negative consequence.


During a Recording of a Zoom Session, the Student…

  • Must not be disruptive in any way to the class session.  Palomar College’s Student Code of Conduct is in force in the online and remote instruction environment as well.
  • Is allowed to use the feature in Zoom that sets a background image to be applied (like a green screen) to help obscure the room and any personal areas that a student may not want visible to anyone.  The student must not choose a background image that would be considered offensive or distracting.
  • Is responsible for ensuring that any background video a student may be using does not reveal offensive or distracting images.  The same is true for any image of themselves that participants see when the background video is turned off.
  • Will warn any persons who may walk into the background to avoid doing so, if at all possible.


Important Recording Settings

When you login to, go to the Settings menu (on the left) and then click the “Recording” Tab
(on the top of the page)


zoom recording 1




Now… scroll down the page until you see these settings…


zoom recording 2

Make sure that both are Off as a default.


Now, let’s say you want to share a particular recording you’ve made with your students but want some extra security.
Click on the “Recordings” menu (on the left) and you will see a list of the recordings you have made.
Now, click on the “Share…” button (to the right of the recording you want to share)


zoom recording 3



In the pop-up window that appears (below), leave the “Publicly” default selected
Then Turn On the Password Protection slider and choose a password according to the rules specified.


zoom recording 4



Now, click the Save button and you will see…


zoom recording 5



Click on the “Copy sharing information to clipboard” link and you will see…


zoom recording 6



And then you can either create a new message in Email or post a Canvas with the information that was just copied into your Clipboard.

Press Ctrl-v on a PC to paste), which will look similar to this…


zoom recording 7



If You Want to Hide Student Names in the Recording

the “Display participants’ names in the recording

No Names selection