What is AB 540 and DACA are not the same. Learn more.
Learn more about AB 540.
Learn more about DACA.
California Dream Act Laws
- California Dream Act application and worksheets
- AB 540 – Effective Fall 2001, provides exemption from non-resident tuition for certain students who have attended a California high school for three years and graduated from a California high school.
- AB 130 – Effective January 1, 2012, provides private scholarships to eligible students under AB 540
- AB 131 – Effective January 2013, provides institutional grants, BOG fee waiver (applications expected to be available in November 2012) and Cal Grant (applications for fall 2013 term expected to be available in January 2013) to students eligible under AB 540.
- AB 2000 – Expands access to higher education for students who complete high school in less than three years. Allows students who have attended at least three years of elementary or secondary education in the state to qualify for in-state tuition, fee waivers, and financial aid, regardless of their immigration status.
- SB 1159 – Effective no later than January 1, 2016, expands immigrants’ access to professional and occupational licenses by prohibiting state licensing boards within the Department of Consumer Affairs from denying licensure to an other-wise qualified applicant because of his or her citizenship or immigration status. Allows applicants for a professional or occupational license to provide an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) in lieu of a Social Security number.
- AB1210 – Establishes a California Dream Loan Program, which provides Loans to AB 540 students who are ineligible for federal financial aid. The revolving loan fund will help fill the gap between federal and state financial aid. Students who attend a participating campus of the University of California, or the California State University system would be able to secure a State Education Access Loan of up to $4000 per year, or up to $20,000 total from any one participating institution. (Approved, but currently not being funded.)