The Office of Student Success & Equity at Palomar College supports departments and programs that provide all students with core services and offers additional support to disproportionately impacted student populations. Guidance and direction is provided by members of the Education, Equity and Student Success Council (EESSC).
Resources from state categorical funds are invested to achieve successful student outcomes.
We provide students with core services including new student orientation, course placement, education planning, career assessment and follow-up counseling. Non-Credit Student Success & Support Program core services are also delivered in partnership with ESL and Adult Education Block Grant (AEBG) staff.
Our Equity Plan identifies disproportionately impacted student populations and presents focused interventions to increase student success. Equity refers to equal levels of success among students. Success is measured by indicators including access, course completion, persistence through basic skills education, degree and certificate completion and transfer to a four-year institution. Students identified as disproportionately impacted (not achieving success outcomes at an equal rate as average students) may receive additional support services.