Student Success Workshops
Join our behavioral health counselors in a skillshop about coping with depression. You will gain an increased understanding of depression and lifelong skills for managing depression symptoms. Attending this Hyflex workshop in person? Meet us at the Teaching & Learning Center on the San Marcos campus (TLC-112). Registration will be required to participate in this Skillshop. Skillshops are… Continue Reading Skillshop: Managing Your Mood: Coping with Depression(HyFlex)
Mindfulness, Meditation and Relaxation: Please join our Student Wellness Advocacy Group (SWAG) for an introduction to mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation strategies. These techniques have been shown to enhance wellness, improve relationships, mitigate stress, reduce anxiety and alleviate symptoms of depression. Attending this Hyflex workshop in person? Meet us in the Health Promotion area at the… Continue Reading Skillshop: Mindfulness, Meditation & Relaxation (SWAG) HYFLEX
Health Services and Wellness Tips for Student Success: Join us for an overview of programs offered by the Health Services department and connect with our health professionals! You will learn about the range of basic medical services provided by our medical team in the Student Health Center as well as mental health services and resources… Continue Reading Skillshop: Health Services & Wellness Tips for Student Success (HYFLEX)