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Palomar College Skillshops

Student Success Workshops

Skillshop: Applying for Graduation (Virtual)


Are you ready to graduate? This Skillshop will cover the steps necessary to obtain a degree/certificate at Palomar College, the deadlines to apply for graduation, and how to apply for graduation. You will also get help reviewing your degree audit, major on file, and catalog year.  This skillshop will be offered virtually via zoom.

Skillshops: Applying for Graduation (In-Person)

Teaching and Learning Center, TLC-112

Are you ready to graduate? This Skillshop will cover the steps necessary to obtain a degree/certificate at Palomar College, the deadlines to apply for graduation, and how to apply for graduation. You will also get help reviewing your degree audit, major on file, and catalog year.  Skillshops are FREE and open to all Palomar College students.… Continue Reading Palomar Promise

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