Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
This pathway will prepare students for careers and transfer in fields like biology, computer science, cybersecurity, engineering, information technology and mathematics.
Would you like to design a robot, fly drones, write code for an app, or fight cybercrime?
Are you interested in learning the secrets of life, experimenting with chemicals, or investigating the deep mathematical interconnectedness of the universe?
Do you see yourself working in a lab, conducting research, exploring the ocean and earth, or helping our environment?
Degrees and Certificates in this Pathway
Check out the degrees and certificates in this pathway.
CIS: Data Analytics, AS
Cloud Computing and Virtualization, AS
Computer Network Administration with Emphasis: Cisco, AS
Computer Network Administration with Emphasis: Microsoft, AS
Computer Science, AS
Computer Science with Emphasis in Video Gaming, AS
Cybersecurity, AS
Information Technology, AS
Web Design and Development, AS
Web: Front End Design, AS
Cloud Computing Technician, CA
Cyber Defense Infrastructure Support Specialist, CA
Cybersecurity Specialist, CA
Web Development, CA