Ethical Leadership for Instructors

Ethical Leadership for Instructors

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This one-day California State Fire Marshal certified course provides the knowledge and skills needed to identify the value of ethical behavior in instructional settings, describe how ethical norms influence individual ethics, identify a personal ethical perspective and core values and how they impact communication and ethical decision making, and make an ethical decision using an ethical decision-making model, in order to assist in making ethical decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma in an instructional setting and carry out the roles and responsibilities of an SFT instructor in an ethical manner.

DATE: January 29, 2026, 8 a.m. to 4:50 p.m.

LOCATION: City of San Marcos Fire Training Facility / Palomar College Fire Academy, 184 Santar Place, San Marcos CA  92069, classroom 1A (westernmost building in the Public Safety complex).


REGISTRATION: Prior to registering, please obtain a student ID number (nine digit number only; you do not need a physical ID card) by applying to Palomar College from the main website ( IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A PALOMAR COLLEGE STUDENT ID, YOU MAY HAVE TO UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION WITH THE COLLEGE. IF THIS IS NECESSARY, HERE IS THE LINK WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO COMPLETE THE UPDATE: we confirm you have the prerequisites, you will be enrolled by Enrollment Services prior to the first day of class. You will be sent an email to prompt you to go to your MyPalomar account and pay the appropriate fees.

COLLEGE FEES:    $115.00 College registration fee (2.5 units)

                                    $26.00 Health Fee if this is your first class of the semester.

MATERIAL FEE:   $85.00 Collected by Palomar College during registration process for California State

                                   Fire Marshal CFSTES class certification and Ethical Awareness Inventory.

INSTRUCTOR:   Ed Sprague, Associate Professor.  Palomar College

                                  Palomar College Fire Technology:


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