Ceramics Program
Ceramics tells the history of humanity. A culture’s ceramic art and artifacts reveal many things about its mythology and religion, innovation and technology, government and commerce. While the medium is well represented in ancient collections of museums throughout the world, the craft and art of ceramics is in a global resurgence in the world of contemporary art. The versatility of the medium is explored in the array of courses offered in ceramics at Palomar College.
The ceramics program provides a wide range of opportunities to learn and develop a voice in this expressive medium. Students have access to state-of-the-art facilities for the development of professional level skills in hand-built and wheel-thrown clay. In our courses, students learn and experiment with a variety of firing techniques, including high-fire, low-fire, and raku, to take their objects from formed clay to finished, glazed works of art. While technique and process are at forefront of the ceramics curricula, students are encouraged and inspired to develop unique, creative directions.
Courses and Scheduling
For the latest class schedule or course/program information, please use the links below:
Details about the Ceramics program including a summary of the program, requirements, and courses.
Current Palomar College Catalog for both class information and program requirements. You need only download the Art section of the catalog for this information.
Visit Class Search on the Palomar College website to search for open classes!
View the Program Mapper for detailed course sequencing options, degree requirements and transfer information.