A.A. Degree

Palomar college offers two Associates degrees for students interested in pursuing a career in Archaeology.   The first is a Transfer Associates Degree  (A.A.T) with an emphasis in Archaeology.  This degree is a good choice for students who are interested in transferring to a four-year program in archaeology as soon as possible and who want the maximum number of transferable credits.   The second is a stand-alone Associates Degree in Archaeology.

The A.A. archaeology degree encompasses almost all of the field and technical training opportunities available here at Palomar College.  Together these courses provide students with training which will enhance employment opportunities as a professional archaeologist as well as provide sufficient background to begin upper division work in anthropology.

Required Courses (as of Fall 2013)

Course NumberCourse NameUnits
ANTH 100Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 105Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 110Introduction to Archaeology3
ANTH 120Archaeological Excavation3
ANTH/AIS 130Prehistoric Cultures of North America3
ANTH/AIS 140The Original Californians3
ANTH 121Cultural Resource Management3
ANTH 205Advanced Archaeological Excavation3
ANTH 210Archaeological Surveying3
ANTH 215Archaeological Laboratory Analysis3
ANTH 225Historical Archaeology*3
Unit Subtotal30

*If you entered Palomar prior to Fall 2004, ANTH 115 Comparative Societies is the required course, but see Dr. de Barros.

Also please NOTE:

  1. ANTH 120 & 205 are taught together in the Fall at Rancho Penasquitos Adobe off Black Mountain Road about a 0.5 mile east of Canyonside Park
  2. ANTH 210 & 220 are taught together every 2 years in the Spring with weekend field trips to Rancho Cuyamaca State Park, next Spring 2014
  3. ANTH 215 is taught every 2 years in Spring, alternating w/ ANTH 210/220, next Spring 2015
  4. ANTH 225 is taught every 2 years in the Fall; next is Fall 2014
  5. ANTH 121, as of Spring 2013,  is a 3 unit course by student demand

NEW TRANSFER RULES: ANTH 100 & 105 are transferable for lower division credit at CSU San Marcos; ANTH 120, 205, 210, 215 and 225 are transferable for up to 9 units of UPPER DIVISION credit for Anthropology Majors at CSU San Marcos.

Electives (as of Fall 2013)

Select 5 Units from Groups One and/or Two

Group One

Course NumberCourse NameUnits
AIS 150American Indian Philosophy and Religion3
ANTH 107Language and Culture3
ANTH 125Evolution, Science and Religion3
ANTH/AS 126Cultures of Africa3
ANTH 135Magic and Folk Religions3
ANTH/CS 155Ancient Civilizations of MesoAmerica3
ANTH 296Special Problems in Anthropology1,2,3
GEOL 100Physical Geology3

Group Two

Course NumberCourse NameUnits
ANTH 100L*Biological Anthropology Lab1
ANTH 220Advanced Archaeological Survey3
ANTH 297Special Problems in Archaeology1,2,3
DT/ENG 101AutoCAD: Intro to Computer Aided Drafting3
CE 150Internship in Archaeology2,3
CSIT 135[Microsoft] Access1
GEOG 120**Intro Geog Info Sys/Software (new)*3
GEOG 132Database Mgmt/Data Acquisition (new)3
GEOG 134GIS Applications (new)3
GEOG 136Intermediate ArcGIS: GIS Analysis (new)3
GEOG 138GIS Internship (new)3
PHOT 100Elementary Photography (deleted)3
PHOT 130Digital Darkroom I3
PSCY/SOC 205Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences3

Total Units for A.A. Degree: 35

ANTH 100 & ANTH 100L can be taken together as ANTH 101 (4 units)

New GIS Certificate Program: GEOG 120 thru 138 – Highly recommended no matter what your ultimate major