SECTION I The name of the association shall be the Administrative Association of Palomar College.
SECTION II The primary purposes of the Administrative Association shall be:
A. To support student learning, the Mission and Goals of the College and the Governing Board.
B. To provide a basis for representation on employment conditions and Shared Governance issues for its members.
C. To recommend, meet and confer on issues related to its membership.
D. To provide a formal channel of communication for management-level personnel.
E. To open and maintain channels of communication among all employee groups.
F. To implement and recommend policies by participating in Shared Governance activities.
SECTION I Active members shall be all management-level personnel including educational administrators and classified administrators as approved by the Governing Board.
SECTION I General meetings of the membership shall be held at least once during the Fall semester and once during the Spring semester of each academic year.
SECTION I The Executive Council shall be composed of a President, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Secretary, and one representative from each of the groups as listed in Article III, Section I.
SECTION II The President, Vice President, and Secretary shall be elected by the membership at large by electronic ballot, submitted to the Executive Council.
SECTION III The representatives of the educational administrators and classified administrators shall be elected by their constituencies by electronic ballot, submitted to the Executive Council.
SECTION IV Every year thereafter, every position, as it becomes available shall be for a period of two years.
SECTION V Provisions for special elections. If the President position becomes vacant, the Vice President will assume the position of President until the end of the term. If the Vice President or Secretary position becomes vacant more than two months prior to the May election, a special election will be held to fill the vacancy.
SECTION I Shared Governance Committees.
The Executive Council shall select committee representatives from within the membership at large based on interest, expertise, and availability of the volunteers.
SECTION II Administrative Task Forces or Working Groups.
The President will appoint Association representatives on Administrative Task Forces or Working Groups, subject to ratification by the Executive Council.
SECTION III Administrative Association Task Forces or Working Groups.
The Executive Council shall appoint Association Task Forces or Working Groups when necessary.
SECTION I President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and chairperson of the Executive Council.
The President is responsible for calling meetings as required to carry out the purposes of the Administrative Association.
The President shall act at the direction of the Executive Council.
The President shall represent the Administrative Association at the Strategic Planning Council meetings.
The President shall represent the Administrative Association at Governing Board meetings.
SECTION II Vice President. The Vice President shall assume the responsibility of the President in his/her absence.
SECTION III Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for notifying members of meeting times and for maintaining records and coordinating communications for the Association.
SECTION I Amendments to the Constitution must be approved by a simple majority of the votes cast by the membership of the Administrative Association.
The Executive Council shall determine by majority vote of the Council to grantEmeritus status to an administrator upon his/her retirement from PalomarCollege.
Section I An Emeritus Administrator is a member of the AdministrativeAssociation who is granted Emeritus status by virtue of his/her years ofservice. An Emeritus Administrator has no voting rights within theAdministrative Association.
Section II The Executive Council shall develop procedures for grantingEmeritus status and benefits. Individual(s) granted Emeritus Status shallbe honored at the Annual Retreat, announced to the Governing Board,and listed in the College Catalogue by name under AdministrativeEmeriti
Section III The Executive Council shall use the following criteria indetermining the granting of Emeritus status. The administrator servedat least twenty (20) years of full-time employment at Palomar Collegeand at least five (5) of those years as an administrator, and who has notbeen granted Faculty Emeritus.
Emeritus status may be granted to an administrator, upon retiring, withat least ten (10) years employment at Palomar College as anadministrator and meets one of the criteria listed below:
a) Served on the Administrative Association Executive Council for atleast two years
b) Represented the Administrative Association in one or more Shared Governance Committees as an appointed representative by the Executive Council.
c) Demonstrated extraordinary dedication to faculty, staff and students.
(Amendment I approved by 71% of membership on March 5, 2013)