Hazardous Materials Incident Commander (CSTI Certified)

Hazardous Materials Incident Commander (CSTI Certified)

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This Course provides the tools required to assume control of an emergency response to a hazardous materials incident. It focuses on how to assess hazards, manage risk, comply with legal requirements and implement protective actions. This program meets OSHA and NFPA recommendations for training at the Incident Commander level. This class also meets Cal OSHA training requirements.

 DATES: November 5-6, 2024

LOCATION:  City of San Marcos Fire Training Facility / Palomar College Fire Academy, 182 Santar Place, San Marcos CA  92069, Classroom 3A (classroom door is on the East end of the Palomar College Public Safety Administration building (Sheriff’s station)).

PREREQUISITE: Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations (CSTI or CSFM)

REGISTRATION: Prior to registering, please obtain a student ID number (nine digit number only; you do not need a physical ID card) by applying to Palomar College from the main website (https://www2.palomar.edu/). IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A PALOMAR COLLEGE STUDENT ID, YOU MAY HAVE TO UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION WITH THE COLLEGE. IF THIS IS NECESSARY, HERE IS THE LINK WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO COMPLETE THE UPDATE: https://www.opencccapply.net/gateway/apply?cccMisCode=061. When we confirm you have the prerequisites, you will be enrolled by Enrollment Services prior to the first day of class. You will be sent an email to prompt you to go to your MyPalomar account and pay the appropriate fees.

You can skip the Palomar Student orientation as you are taking a Career, Technical, and Extended Education (CTEE) class for professional growth and development

COLLEGE FEES: $46.00 College registration fee (1 unit), $26.00 Health Fee if this is your first class of the semester.

MATERIAL FEE: $8.00; collected by Palomar College during registration process for CSTI certification and student materials

INSTRUCTOR: Michael de Guzman, Fire Captain, San Diego Fire-Rescue Department

TEXTBOOK: CSTI textbook/student materials provided in class

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