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Financial Aid Week

Student Services Center (SSC-1)

Financial Aid Week is here! February 26th – March 1st! Come see us if you need any Financial Aid or Scholarship Application Assistance!  Visit the Student Services Center between the hours of 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. No appointment is necessary! We will also have Skillshops in the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) scheduled in… Continue Reading Financial Aid Week

Financial Aid Week

Student Services Center (SSC-1)

Financial Aid Week is here! February 26th – March 1st! Come see us if you need any Financial Aid or Scholarship Application Assistance!  Visit the Student Services Center between the hours of 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. No appointment is necessary! We will also have Skillshops in the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) scheduled in… Continue Reading Financial Aid Week

Veteran’s Day

All Palomar College campuses are closed and classes are not in session.

Thanksgiving Break

All Palomar College campuses are closed and classes are not in session.

Winter Break

All Palomar College campuses are closed and classes are not in session.


All Palomar College campuses are closed and classes are not in session.

New Year’s Day

All Palomar College campuses are closed and classes are not in session. Please visit our Calendar page:

Winter Intersession Begins

Courses offered between regular terms. Please visit our Academic Calendar Page: