Vanessa earned an AA in Anthropology at Palomar and a BA in Indigenous Anthropology at California State University San Marcos. She worked as a lab technician at the San Diego Archaeological Center and is now the Public Archaeology Coordinator for the Center sharing knowledge about San Diego’s past and preserving shared histories.
Blake transferred to California State University Fullerton and earned a BA in Archaeology with a specialization in faunal analysis. Currently, he is in graduate school at San Diego State University.
Ajeng completed her AA in Art History at Palomar College and then transferred to UC San Diego and graduated magna cum laude with a BA in Art History and a minor in Classical Studies. She is currently earning an AA in Archaeology and an Archaeological Field Technician Certificate to gain more experience in artifact/art conservation before applying to graduate school to obtain an MA in Art Conservation.
Charlie transferred from Palomar and earned a BA in Anthropology from San Francisco State University. After holding several positions as a park ranger, research assistant/ethnographer, English teacher, biologist, author, and outreach counselor, he returned to Palomar to complete the Archaeological Field Technician Certificate. He is looking forward to working as a full-time archaeologist.
Sue completed an AA in Archaeology and Archaeology certificates from Palomar College. She is an Archaeological Technician and a graduate student in the Applied Archaeology program at California State University, San Bernardino. Her current area of research is historical household archaeology in the San Diego region. She plans to work for a federal or state agency in California.
Briana has a bachelor’s and master’s degree and is currently working toward the Archaeological Field Technician Certificate. “I love the Archaeology program at Palomar because it’s a great group of curious, passionate people and you learn a lot of tangible skills that you can translate to work in the field.”
“The entire anthropology department has been amazingly encouraging. The instructors are always challenging and motivating their students to follow their passions. I’ve learned valuable curriculum and priceless life lessons. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with a wonderful department, and passionate professors who helped me find who I am as an anthropologist and archaeologists.”
Sophia is a Palomar College alumnus; after taking biological and cultural anthropology courses at Palomar College she decided to continue her anthropology education at UCLA.
“It has been great! I’ve had a wonderful time with many others that are just like me. I’ve gotten an insane amount of experience that I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else. I highly suggest the excavation class.”
Casey earned her Certificate of Archaeology as a Field Technician, and working towards her degree in Anthropology.