by Mufson, Michael | May 10, 2021 | Monumental Gallery, Uncategorized
Monumental Home | All Galleries | this is (not) indian country | Audio • Poetry • Spoken Word | Visual Art | Written Text | English 202 Memorials | Interviews | All Response Walls | On The Street Videos Early in the rehearsals for the Ending The Silence live...
by Mufson, Michael | May 5, 2021 | Monumental Gallery, Poetry, Uncategorized
The shape of things by Chazelle Evans If white were suddenly black How long would it take For the shape of things to change. Punishment, Education And Financial Future Secure. Housing and Healthcare Available now, All hoops condense to one door Brutal Unjust act we...
by Mufson, Michael | May 5, 2021 | Essay, Monumental Gallery, Uncategorized
The Modern Machine by Nathaniel Mitchell The sound of rivers flushing with fresh water fills yours ears, along with the sound of birds flying all around. As you walk throughout this enchanted forest you see all forms of life all around you including some deer as...
by Mufson, Michael | May 5, 2021 | Essay, Monumental Gallery
Jacob Merrick Professor LesperanceMulticultural Studies 10030 April 2021 My Explanation Dear White People My name is Jacob Merrick, I live in Escondido, California and I am white. I’ve grown up in a city that is full of poor Hispanics. I’ve lived in the same house for...
by Mufson, Michael | May 4, 2021 | Monumental Gallery, Poetry, Uncategorized
Why? Why him? by Alyssa Bobczynski Why? Why a monument honoring Nathan Bedford Forrest? Forrest was a man of division, hate, and superiority. He was a man that breeds division of race, man-kind, and horrendous acts. Forrest was a “grand wizard” of the Klu Klux...