by Mufson, Michael | May 5, 2021 | Monumental Gallery, Poetry, Uncategorized
The shape of things by Chazelle Evans If white were suddenly black How long would it take For the shape of things to change. Punishment, Education And Financial Future Secure. Housing and Healthcare Available now, All hoops condense to one door Brutal Unjust act we...
by Mufson, Michael | May 4, 2021 | Monumental Gallery, Poetry, Uncategorized
Why? Why him? by Alyssa Bobczynski Why? Why a monument honoring Nathan Bedford Forrest? Forrest was a man of division, hate, and superiority. He was a man that breeds division of race, man-kind, and horrendous acts. Forrest was a “grand wizard” of the Klu Klux...
by Mufson, Michael | May 4, 2021 | Monumental Gallery, Poetry, Uncategorized
Monumental Haiku by Luz Olea “Our Voices” How many times Will we be silenced again We need to be heard When will we unite Fighting the stereotypes Together as one We will come as one To break all the barriers, All the social injustice “One Nation” How long till we are...
by Mufson, Michael | May 4, 2021 | Monumental Gallery, Poetry, Uncategorized
Flag by Shiann Seale Red as the blood that covered my fore fathers hands. Fighting a Civil War against the southern man. Blue as the song the Negro sang. As the master sets the blocks for his family to hang. White as the cotton slaves were forced to pick. Defiance...
by Mufson, Michael | Apr 18, 2021 | Essay, Monumental Gallery, Poetry, Visual Art
Monumental Home | All Galleries | this is (not) indian country | Audio • Poetry • Spoken Word | Visual Art | Written Text | English 202 Memorials | Interviews | All Response Walls | If no audio plays, please use audio controls to start music Use Navigation Arrows to...