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[av_tab_sub_section tab_title=’Auditions Overview’ vertical_align=’top’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ tab_image=” tab_image_style=” color=” background_color=’#edba80′ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_attachment=’scroll’ background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’]
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We are thrilled you are interested in auditioning for our one or more of our upcoming productions. We hope you find this website useful in learning more about our audition process.
This season offers many exciting opportunities to become a part of our four fully produced plays and musical.
The Mental State by Josh Adel
Sila (The Arctic Cycle) by Chantal Bilodeau
Mamma Mia! • Book by Catherine Johnson, Music and lyrics from Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis, adapted by Tony Taccone & Bennett S. Cohen
We are also producing, Lighting the Way, a festival of short plays reacting and responding to the climate crisis and additional staged readings of The Every 28 Hours Plays.
• Auditions are open to all: students, staff and community members.
• Palomar Theatre is committed to critical consciousness in all aspects production and promote inclusive and diverse casting.
• Individuals who are cast in a production are required to enroll in a 2 unit Rehearsal and Performance class (TA 192) associated with the production.
To learn more about detailed casting and audition information for each production, click on the corresponding show tab above. We look forward to seeing you at the auditions.
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Mamma Mia!
Book by Catherine Johnson,
Music and lyrics from Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus
Directed by Kathy Brombacher • Music Direction by Ellen Weller
Seeking a cast of actors, singers and dancers to play age ranges from 17 to 50. All roles are open and all ethnicities are encouraged to audition.
OPEN CALL: [These are tentative dates and will be finalized soon] Saturday, November 23, 1-5 PM followed by Dance Call 6-8 PM
CALLBACKS: November 24, 2PM – 6PM
Here’s what you need to know to prepare for auditions:
- All those who audition must bring two headshots and 2 theatrical/musical/dance resumes to the audition and fill out audition paperwork on site.
- All those who audition must bring a schedule of possible conflicts with the rehearsal schedule (work, classes, etc.): you must list conflicts on the audition paperwork.
- All those auditioning must perform a one-minute song selected from “soft rock” hits or rock musicals is required for the audition. (You will be timed).
- Please bring piano sheet music in the correct key for the accompanist
Callbacks will be at the invitation of the director, musical director and choreographer team members. You may be asked to sing, dance and/or read from the script and score for these callbacks.
Casting will be announced within one week of the callback auditions.
ORIENTATION MEETING: Saturday, December 7 • 2PM – 4PM
REHEARSALS begin in early January and will tentatively be held Monday-Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 10:30 pm and Saturdays from 10am to 3pm. Some Sunday afternoon rehearsals will be scheduled. A full rehearsal schedule will be available to peruse at the auditions.
Friday, March 6 • 7PM
Saturday, March 7 • 7PM
Sunday, March 8 • 2PM
Thursday, March 12 • 4PM
Friday, March 13 • 7PM
Saturday, March 14 • 7PM
Sunday, March 15 • 2PM
All actors must attend each rehearsal specified for their character and each performance, including a possible pick-up rehearsal between performance weekends.
Actors cast in the musical will be required to register for a 2-unit class at Palomar College.
Donna Sheridan: (age around 40)
Owner of the Taverna on the Greek Island of Kalokairi, Donna is Sophie’s mother who never married; she is the former lead singer of “Donna and the Dynamos”. A natural beauty, she works hard to keep the Taverna open and to give smart advice to her daughter; A strong rock vocalist/strong mover/actress.
Sophie Sheridan: (age around 21)
Donna’s strong-minded daughter who wants a traditional wedding (which her mother never had), and a father to walk her down the aisle. Bright and an adventuresome risk-taker, she is emotionally complex but truly loves her fiance, Sky and understands her mother’s sacrifices for her. Belt/soprano and superb dancer.
Tanya Cresham-Leigh: (age around 40)
Tanya is one of Donna’s best friends and a member of the “Dynamos”; she married into wealth a few times and has a sassy, witty, flirtatious personality. Superb rock singer/dancer/comedian.
Rosie Mulligan: (age around 40)
The third member of Donna’s Dynamos, Rosie is single, free-spirited and a renown author. Confident, kooky and sometimes shy, she is a strong inventive comic actress. Must move well and sing confidently.
Lisa: (Age 18-25)
Sophie’s bridesmaid/ close friend; impish, impulsive; must be strong dancer. featured ensemble.
Ali: (age 18-25) Sophie’s other bridesmaid; energetic and kooky. Strong dancer/ featured ensemble.
Sam: (age around 45)
May be Sophie’s father; he left Donna 20 years ago because he was engaged to another woman; successful architect; confident but out of his depth returning to Donna’s Taverna at Sophie’s invitation; an actor who sings and moves well.
Harry (age around 45) May be Sophie’s father; British financier; conservative now but loved rock and roll in his youth. Must have British accent; an actor who sings/handles comedy/ moves well.
Bill (age around 45) May be Sophie’s father: is by profession a travel writer ; has a rough charm and honesty; handles comedy well; an actor who sings/moves well.
Sky (age around 25) Sophie’s fiance; athletic, attractive; left a successful business to help Donna with the Taverna and marry Sophie; thoughtful, sensitive ; moves and sings well. Featured ensemble.
Pepper (male, age around 25): Sky’s friend; works at Donna’s hotel; charming, loves to flirt; dances well, ideally has acrobatic skills. Featured ensemble.
Eddie (male, age around 25) : Another friend to Sky/ worker at the hotel. Relaxed and helpful; strong dancer/singer.
Pastor Alexandrios: (age 40-60); a male or female ensemble member who officiates at Sophie’s wedding. Also in the ensemble as a villager/friend of the family.
Ensemble: (ages 20-45) Dynamic dancer/singers/actors with acting strengths to play Greek Islanders who are supporting Donna and Sophie as they prepare for Sophie’s wedding day.
[/av_tab_sub_section][av_tab_sub_section tab_title=’Sila (The Arctic Cycle) • October 7′ vertical_align=’top’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ tab_image=” tab_image_style=” color=’#0082fc’ background_color=’#8dd5fc’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_attachment=’scroll’ background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’]
[/av_tab_sub_section][av_tab_sub_section tab_title=’Social Justice Theatre Projects • August 30′ vertical_align=’middle’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ tab_image=” tab_image_style=” color=’#fc0000′ background_color=’#fc0000′ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_attachment=’scroll’ background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’]
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This semester we are involved with two projects that use theatre to respond to urgent social issues. Anyone interested in participating as actors, directors, designers, dialogue facilitators or other support positions should attend our recruiting meeting on Friday, August 30 • 7-9 PM or send an email to mmufson@palomar.edu. These projects are flexible and perfect for students who cannot commit the time to a full production.
The Every 28 Hours Plays & dialogue
This collection of one-minute plays responds to the epidemic of state-sanctioned shooting of Black Men and other People of Color by police, security guards and vigilantes. This is a continuation of a project from last year, funded by a grant from NCHEA (The North County Higher Education Alliance)
Lighting The Way
This international festival of short climate change plays is scheduled to premier this Fall. Lighting the Way will coincide with the Santiago Climate Change Conference (COP25) which serves as an international meeting of world leaders who gather to discuss tactics to significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions before the world faces catastrophic and irreversible consequences. This series of short plays will be produced and presented in conjunction with our full production of Sila (The Arctic Cycle) in December.
[/av_two_third][/av_tab_sub_section][av_tab_sub_section tab_title=’It Can’t Happen Here • March 9′ vertical_align=’middle’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ tab_image=” tab_image_style=” color=” background_color=’#d1d1d1′ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” background_attachment=’scroll’ background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’]
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It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
adapted by Tony Taccone & Bennett S. Cohen
Directed by Michael Mufson
OPEN CALL: March 9, 6:30-9:00 PM Studio Theatre. (sign-up for a time-slot at the bottom of this page)
Please prepare a one-minute contemporary, dramatic monologue
CALLBACKS: March 10, 6-11PM
REHEARSALS: Monday, March 16 – Thursday May 7.
Monday-Friday 6:30 PM-10:30 PM. Some weekends possible.
Technical Rehearsals Saturday and Sunday, May 2 & 3, 10AM – 10PM
Dress Rehearsals Monday, May 4 – Thursday May 7, 5PM-11PM
Friday, May 8 • 7:30 PM
Saturday, May 9 •7:30 PM
Sunday, May 10 • 2PM
Thursday, May 14 • 4PM
Friday, May 15 •7:30 PM
Saturday, May 16 •7:30 PM
Sunday, May 17 • 2PM
DESCRIPTION: A chilling adaptation of Sinclair Lewis’s famous 1936 novel portraying how populist, fascism could take hold in the USA. As The New York Times describes it, “At a moment when instability seems to be the only constant in American politics, “It Can’t Happen Here” offers an alluring (if terrifying) certainty: It can happen here, and what comes next will be even ghastlier than you expect.” This is a cautionary tale and call to action for all who are concerned about the future of our democracy.
Doremus Jessup: A journalist and editor of Fort Beulah’s only newspaper, The Daily Informer. His journey from a naïve liberal to resistance fighter is at the core of the play.
Lorinda Pike: A young widow who runs a tavern. She is politically outspoken and a fearless advocate for democracy.
Emma Jessup: Married to Doremus. Mother of three grown children. Wise, loyal and supportive, her family is her world.
Philip Jessup: Doremus and Emma’s son; an opportunist and supporter of the new, fascist order.
Sissy Jessup: Doremus and Emma’s youngest daughter. Bold and courageous, she is radicalized against the rise of the demagogue Buzz Windrip and his American, fascist regime.
Mary Jessup Greenhill: A charming and vivacious woman, defined primarily by her family relationships. Daughter of Doremus and Emma. Married to Dr. Fowler Greenhill and Mother of a young son, David.
Julian Falck: A young, college educated man. He infiltrates the Windrip’s populist, paramilitary group, Minute Men. Develops a romantic relationship with Sissy Jessup.
Dr. Fowler Greenhill: A good physician and good person. Married to Mary Jessup. He risks his life to stand up for Justice.
Shad Ledue: A bitter, “forgotten man,” whose viscous, amoral actions propel him to power in the ranks of the Windrip regime.
Buzz Windrip: A charismatic demagogue who leverages his election on fear and false promises into an American fascist dictatorship.
Brigadier General Herbert Y. Edgeways • Adelaide Tarr Gimmitch • Crowd Member 1 • Crowd Member 2 • Frank Tasbrough • R.C. Crowley • David Greenhill (Offstage) • Radio Announcer (Offstage) • Bishop Prang • Buck Titus • Man 1 • Man 2 • Man 3 • Man 4 • Man 5 • Woman 1 • Woman 2 • Minute Men (Multiple; N/S) • Private William Dooley (N/S) • Emcee • Lee Sarason • Heckler • Karl Pascal • Jaime Johnson • John Pollikop • Priest • Voice (Offstage) • Effingham Swan • Guards (Multiple; N/S) • First Minute Man • Second Minute Man • Dimick/Presidential Aide • Doctor • Voice 1 • Voice 2 • Voice 3 • Sergeant • Prison Guard • Man Moving Press 1 (N/S) • Man Moving Press 2 • Farmer