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ASG meeting 3/30

Palomar’s Associated Student Government gathered to discuss changes to the smoking policy and how to gain awareness for their upcoming Presidential election.

ASG focused a majority of time focused on the recent smoking policy. To ban the use of smoking on campus, fines are planned to be in place. A first offense comes with a warning, the second time a fine is placed. According to the ASG, the fine can be reduced by attending a smoking education program.

ASG advisor Sherry Titus said the policy is “educational process,” that the fine would not put a smoker “on the edge” due to the fact that they have funds to buy cigarettes, they can pay the fine. The policy also applies to faculty, not just students on campus.

With elections coming, ASG stressed the importance of student involvement in voting. ASG plans for an open election day forum for April 12 from 11 a.m. to noon. Two canidates will be running for ASG presidency. Voting for the candidates is scheduled on the ASG website from April 18-21 until 11:59 p.m.

For more information on the ASG and involvement, meetings are every Wednesday of the week at SU-204. The ASG welcomes all students. Visit their website for further information:

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  • Telescope brief: Telescope Staff/The Telescope | All Rights Reserved
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